
CABAR.asia 08.07.21

An expert from Afghanistan noted that the Taliban do not enjoy wide support among the Afghan population, and the legitimization of terrorists by big players only complicates the process of achieving peace and development in Afghanistan.


CABAR.asia 06.07.21

Every year the water shortage will be felt more and more acutely. “First of all, this is due to irrational use of water in all five states of the region,” the experts emphasized at the CABAR.asia expert meeting dedicated to discussing this issue.


CABAR.asia 30.06.21

In Tajikistan, licenses of two large banks of the country – «Agroinvestbank» and  «Tojiksodirotbank» – have been revoked. The National Bank of Tajikistan stated that these banks are the reason for the loss of public confidence in the banking system. However, experts believe that depositors do not trust banks because of the poor return procedure, which does not serve the interests of individuals.


CABAR.asia 29.06.21

Tajikistan has begun reforming its penitentiary system, which will last until 2030. The Tajik Ministry of Justice hopes that with the help of implemented international standards, it will be possible to relieve closed institutions and build modern and equipped prisons. The government also plans to reduce the number of repeat offenders among former prisoners, prevent the spread of radicalism and extremism in prisons and improve the effectiveness of prison staff. (more…)

CABAR.asia 25.06.21

The recent border conflict between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which occurred on April 28-29 this year, had a negative impact on the lives of ordinary citizens on both sides of the border. Those who did business together, who provided or received services in neighboring countries suffered. Residents hope that the difficulties will tide over and neighbors will be able to visit each other again.


The followers of the Taliban movement (banned in Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia) invaded the customs and commercial entry point of Sherkhan-Bandar on June 21 on the border with Tajikistan. The position of the governmental forces in Badakhshan province on the border with Tajikistan worsened, as well. According to Tajikistan, thousands of Afghan refugees can follow.


CABAR.asia 24.06.21

According to unofficial data, over a thousand of Tajikistanis had arrived in Kyrgyzstan via Batken region before the pandemic every day both via the checkpoint and via uncontrolled locations in villages. They came to earn money, for treatment and recreation. However, bilateral relations stopped after the armed conflicts in spring of 2021.

Discrepancies in the official statistics of the two states for 10 years are estimated as more than 116 million dollars, which is one-fifth of the entire trade for all these years. According to experts, this is just a small amount of undeclared commodities.

CABAR.asia 18.06.21

Central Asian governments should strengthen measures to diversify labor migration routes, participants in the regional expert meeting of the analytical platform CABAR.asia believe. (more…)