
CABAR.asia 11.06.21

According to the analysts, the bilateral relations are best strengthened not by declarative statements, but by certain and mutually beneficial projects in various areas. (more…)

CABAR.asia 03.06.21

The situation of migrants in the Russian society has always been a challenge. According to the Federal Migration Service, over 10 million migrants reside in Russia legally, whereas three million reside thee illegally. Most of them come from Central Asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 01.06.21

High mortality and malnutrition among children are key problems in Tajikistan. The overwhelming majority of Tajik children are deprived of the opportunity to receive preschool education. Also the problem of education for girls and the actual discrimination of children with special needs are relevant . (more…)

CABAR.asia 28.05.21

Instead of AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, Tajikistan received its Indian analogue, which caused rumours and speculation among the country’s population. The Ministry of Health of Tajikistan assures that the vaccine is safe, but it may cause side effects in some vaccinated people. In addition, the republic will receive a batch of CoronaVac vaccine from China soon. (more…)

CABAR.asia 21.05.21

Every effort should be made to prevent a local border conflict from escalating into an international one, experts say.


CABAR.asia 19.05.21

Residents of the Khatlon region complain about the lack of access to drinking water for many years, but no one is trying to solve this problem. (more…)

CABAR.asia 08.05.21

The coverage of the conflict on Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border sorely lacked peacemaking journalism approaches, the experts say. (more…)

CABAR.asia 07.05.21

How psychiatric services work in Central Asian states (more…)

Jamshed Marupov 08.04.21

Often, the men, who already served in the army, are caught during the recruitment raids. While the authorities admit that the practice is extreme, it is still widespread. (more…)