
CABAR.asia 21.10.21

How to reduce the mortality rate in road traffic accidents in Central Asian countries and improve the ethical standards of drivers and pedestrians?

CABAR.asia 13.10.21

Central Asian countries need integration, innovation, full-fledged market economy and development of human capital. (more…)

CABAR.asia 08.10.21

Glacier melting is a natural process, experts say, but in recent decades it has been occurring faster than it did in the pre-industrial era. (more…)

CABAR.asia 30.09.21

The Committee of Emergency situations (CES) and Civil defense under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in May 2020 tightened sanitary standards to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic

CABAR.asia 27.09.21

The Covid-19 pandemic has sharply demonstrated the ineffectiveness of public administration in the countries of Central Asia. In a situation when the authorities actually stepped aside from solving suddenly arisen problems, volunteer organizations were forced to fill this vacuum. (more…)

CABAR.asia 06.09.21

Children from low-income families in Tajikistan are forced to earn money for school and other necessities during the summer vacations. Experts believe that the situation will not change for the better in the near future.


CABAR.asia 03.09.21

Except for Tajikistan, other countries of the region are reluctant to open their borders to Afghan refugees. In particular, this is connected with the plans to cooperate with the new authorities in Kabul, the experts believe. (more…)

Aziz Timurov 23.08.21

The new tax legislation of Tajikistan, most likely, will uphold the primacy of taxation over investment, will not be business-oriented, and will not be able to affect the growth of consumption and savings of citizens significantly, believes Aziz Timurov, participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics. (more…)

CABAR.asia 20.08.21

The return of the Taliban (banned in Central Asia and considered terrorist) to power in Afghanistan would have a significant impact on its neighboring countries, and the Afghan agenda would become more important in the foreign policy of Central Asian countries, experts say. (more…)

CABAR.asia 13.08.21

Tajik authorities reject the conclusions of international experts that the country’s budget is not transparent. However, experts say that the number of secret budget items has only grown in recent years. (more…)