
Rustami Sukhrob 10.12.21

After the Taliban (an organization banned in Tajikistan) came to power in Afghanistan, the focus in the geopolitics of all of Central Asia shifted, which led to an increase in Iran’s role in the region, mentioned Rustami Sukhrob, candidate of political sciences. In his opinion, the Tajik authorities should take this factor into account and strengthen cooperation with Tehran. (more…)

CABAR.asia 17.11.21

In Tajikistan, the number of victims of domestic violence is growing and the topic of its criminalization has been discussed for a long time. But no legislative solution has yet been adopted. (more…)

CABAR.asia 15.11.21

Tajik experts warn that the use of coal poses serious environmental problems. However, the authorities say that thanks to coal, they can heat the capital city and create additional jobs. (more…)

The experts believe the lack of competition at the national level is the main problem of the Tajik state TV channels, the ratings of which have been plummeting in recent years.


CABAR.asia 12.11.21

Tajik experts believe that the main culprit of desertification is irrational economical activities. (more…)

CABAR.asia 05.11.21

The Eurovision Song Contest usually attracts the attention of music lovers. However, the last contest sparked a discussion in Russian society about social issues related to xenophobia and gender issues. The Russian representative Manija Sangin, an ethnic Tajik, attracted the attention of politicians, public figures and even clergymen, as well as the general public not only in Russia, but also abroad. (more…)

CABAR.asia 02.11.21

he Central Asian region is the most vulnerable to climate change impacts. The common problems of all five countries will be melting glaciers and decreasing surface water runoff, that is, rivers’ water that flows over the soil surface into the lakes, says Andrey Podrezov, Head of the Department of Meteorology, Ecology and Environmental Protection at the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. (more…)

CABAR.asia 29.10.21

Every year in Tajikistan hundreds of women attempt suicide. Experts say the main cause of these tragic events is family conflicts and domestic violence. (more…)

CABAR.asia 28.10.21

There is a growing trend of domestic violence against women in Tajikistan.


CABAR.asia 26.10.21

Ex-prisoners are frustrated by the lack of permanent employment and the prejudicial attitudes of society. Experts believe that this situation could lead them to reoffend. (more…)