
GBAO needs significant assistance from the national authorities and the international community, said Khodjimukhammad Umarov, Doctor of Economics. In his opinion, in the harsh conditions of GBAO, the real results of development can be obtained with a stringent system of public administration. (more…) 28.02.22

Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) residents say the Internet shutdown has worsened living, learning and business conditions.

Odil Madbekov 18.02.22

Stabilisation of the situation in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast requires dialogue and implementation of people-to-people contacts using constructive international practices, Tajik analyst Odil Madbekov said.


Protests in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) have never been planned, organized, and every time they were – a spontaneous reaction to certain events, says Subkhiya Mastonshoeva, M.A. of International Relations. In her opinion, it is also important to understand the socio-economic components of the crisis situations in the Pamirs, to which offenses by law enforcement agencies are often added, which together leads to acute manifestations of discontent. (more…) 07.12.21

Why does the geography of protests expand in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, where several protests took place after the local resident’s death at the end of last week? (more…) 10.10.19

IWPR Tajikistan together with representatives of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan met with activists of the Vanj district of GBAO.

Muslimbek Buriev 24.07.19

Currently, in Tajikistan there is no clearly formulated ethnic policy, it is replaced by only separate decrees, statements and projects, said Muslimbek Buriev, a participant of the School of Analytics.

(more…) 18.12.18

IWPR Tajikistan hosted online conference “Situation in Gorno-Badakhshan: External Perspective”. The leading experts of analytical and research centers of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, political scientists and journalists discussed the situation in Tajik Badakhshan and suggested their vision of the possible solutions to existing problems. (more…)