
CABAR.asia 04.10.22

The problems of gender equality and women’s activism in Tajikistan were discussed by the participants of the expert meeting “Development of Gender Equality in Tajikistan: Achievements and Problems,” organized by the IWPR office on September 30.


CABAR.asia 03.10.22

Farmers in Khatlon province are concerned about this summer’s lack of irrigation water, which has caused thousands of hectares of irrigated land to dry out and lost crops. (more…)

Navruz Karimov 25.09.22

Cooperation between Tajikistan and Georgia has great potential. In particular, Tajikistan could benefit from Georgia’s successful reform experience, including police reforms and the integration of national minorities, says Navruz Karimov, a member of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics. (more…)

CABAR.asia 22.09.22

In recent years, Tajik doctors have been increasingly leaving their homeland, complaining about low wages and difficult working conditions. Experts say that the healthcare sector needs large-scale reforms. (more…)

Asomiddin Atoev 01.09.22

In the age of globalization, the Internet is practically becoming the main tool for the realization of the human right to freedom of speech. Therefore, it is important to talk about the legal regulation of access to the Internet, according to ICT expert Asomiddin Atoev and lawyer Khurshed Kurbonshoev. (more…)

CABAR.asia 24.08.22

The documents signed by Central Asian presidents in Cholpon Ata are a significant step toward closer cooperation in the region, according to Umedjon Ibrohimzoda, a political scientist and participant of the school of analytics of CABAR.asia. However, it is important to adhere to the principle of equality and mutually beneficial cooperation in the integration process of Central Asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 22.08.22

The IWPR Country Office in Tajikistan is looking for an employee for the position of PR/SMM specialist.


CABAR.asia 15.07.22

 The arrest of the judge who acquitted the defendant has once again sparked a debate about the independence of Tajik courts. Human rights activists say that it is practically impossible to get a defendant acquitted in Tajik courts. (more…)

CABAR.asia 08.07.22

Two weeks ago I returned from a research internship I had conducted in Georgia, and I am still very much impressed. Until then, most of the research I had been involved in consisted of desk research, reading a lot of literature, searching for data, interviewing experts who gave their perspective on the situation based on what they themselves had read. (more…)

CABAR.asia 07.07.22

Animal rights activists in Tajikistan demand to toughen punishment for animal cruelty and stop shooting stray dogs.
