
CABAR.asia 19.07.23

Over the past two months, cases of persecution of Tajik migrants and students in Russia have become more frequent. Experts assume that this is due to the growth of xenophobia in Russia and, possibly, migrants being forcibly recruited to the war in Ukraine. (more…)

Rustam Gulov 14.07.23

“In short term, artificial intelligence will not be able to completely replace editors and journalists,” said new media specialist Rustam Gulov. “However, neural networks can already become an effective assistant for content creators.”


CABAR.asia 13.07.23

In Tajikistan, parents complain that their children study in overcrowded classrooms. Experts say this harms the quality of education.


Marat Mamadshoev 15.06.23

Kazakhstan’s civil society is eying the rapprochement with China with suspicion. This is primarily because people don’t trust their own elites, said Temur Umarov, a researcher at the Carnegie Moscow Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies in Berlin.


CABAR.asia 14.06.23

Tajikistan’s authorities report yearly on economic growth, an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) and higher incomes for the population. However, people say they do not feel the improvements in living conditions, and the nominal increase in wages is being eroded by inflation. 


Lola Olimova 09.06.23

In Tajikistan, it is difficult for people with disabilities to realize their potential for various reasons. First and foremost, this is due to the lack of an accessible environment in most cities and districts and the inability to move around on their own. It is also difficult for them to find a job, in a country where unemployment rates are high and among physically fit people.


Navruz Karimov 02.06.23

Despite the process of derussification in Tajikistan, the Russian language plays a crucial role in the country’s information space. According to a study by Navruz Karimov, the overwhelming majority of search queries to Google in Tajikistan are made in Russian. This data speaks not only to the lack of useful content in Tajik but also to the poor prospects for the Tajik language.


CABAR.asia 29.05.23

The second day of the seventh Go Viral Festival in Dushanbe held on 27 May, organized by IWPR Central Asia, was no less exciting than the first day. More than 500 participants came to the Zebunniso Cinema that day to gain new knowledge, expand their network and learn about innovative ideas of modern Tajikistan in the media, business, culture and IT. (more…)

Almost half of Tajiks have experienced the consequences of social inequality, one third of respondents believe that fighting corruption is necessary to overcome social inequality. This is evidenced by the results of a sociological survey conducted by Alisher Gardonshoеv, the graduate of the CABAR.Asia School of Analytics. (more…)

From labor migration to starting her own private company: how a 30-year-old Mavzuna broke stereotypes and became a famous car mechanic.
