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Kazakhstan: How Process of ‘Public Enemies’ Formation is Tested on LGBTIQ+ Community and Why

A petition against the propaganda of LGBT was published in less than a month on a special website in Kazakhstan. The petition gathered 50 thousand signatures over a short period of time. This is a required number for the state bodies to consider the petition and reach a decision. In this article, I want to explain why the petition is a part of the campaign to form the ‘unconditionally good’ majority and to discredit the ‘unconditionally bad’ minorities.

In March 2023, the president of Kazakhstan in his decree approved the information doctrine. It is interesting that the doctrine contains some mutually exclusive elements.

In particular, the doctrine suggests strict observance of the principles of free speech, pluralism, prohibition of censorship and development of information sovereignty, determination of the ideological vector based on fundamental moral and spiritual and traditional values, as well as countering false narratives.

Moreover, the principles of free speech, pluralism and prohibition of censorship are well worded and justified in both international and national laws and contain understandable elements in terms of law enforcement practice. The state (any) does not need to do anything to follow the principles of free speech. Basically, it should not interfere.

But legal and rhetoric questions may arise regarding the definition of such concepts as the main ideological vector (when ideological diversity is recognised by the constitution), information sovereignty and traditional values.

The above phrases, mildly speaking, do not conform to the principles of legal certainty, as well as create some confusion in people’s minds.

According to the statistical data, there are 20 million people residing in Kazakhstan, who represent about 54 nationalities and ethnic groups.

In other words, the country’s population is non-homogenous and has formed in certain historical realias. So, in my opinion, it is highly ambiguous to indicate some fundamental (universal) moral and spiritual and traditional values when there is no clear legal definition and general national consensus on this subject.

Despite the lack of clear understanding of what traditional values are, the fight against those, who, according to the authorities of Kazakhstan, do not match these values takes place now.  A striking example is representatives of the LGBTIQ+ community.

Despite the statutory bar on discrimination, censorship and promotion of pluralism, I can see in practice the full-scale awareness campaign regarding not only direct representatives of the LGBTIQ+ community, but also those who ‘sympathise’ with the community.

Thus, during the discussion of the distressful law “On mass media”, deputies of the Mazhilis (lower house of parliament – Editor’s note) on behalf of ‘Amanat’ party (it is also called the ruling party) suggested to suspend, i.e. censor activity of the media covering the subjects related to ‘non-traditional sexual orientation’.

Moreover, in April 2024, a group of deputies of Mazhilis and, specifically, of ‘Amanat’ party offered to make an amendment to the Criminal Code providing for a costly fine, as well as restriction of freedom or imprisonment for the propaganda of ‘non-traditional sexual orientation.’

Moreover, the said deputies used the concept of ‘traditional Kazakh family’ to substantiate their position.

I emphasise that the said initiatives were not approved, but the information trail remained.

Nevertheless, the recently passed law “On mass media” specifies that mass media will be monitored for complying with the laws, as well as for any breach of moral and family values, among other things. However, there is no definition of ‘moral values’ and ‘family values’. The Kazakhstan-based officials only plan to draft the said definitions.

The question of how phrases can be legalised without clear definitions and impose liability for violating what does not basically exist remains a mystery.

Thus, the state creates the image of direct representatives, as well as those sympathising with the LGBTIQ+ community as some outcasts, elements alien to spiritual prevalence in the course of fundamental and traditional values (given no clear definition, as well as well-defined public consensus about the term of traditional values).

It is interesting that direct or indirect association of an individual and entity with the LGBTIQ+ community is used by various powers as a leverage and segregation tool towards the majority, which is considered high-toned and spiritually evolved by default.

For example, there is information about Aitbek Amangeldy, brother of murdered Saltanat Nukenova that the Saltanat Fund will deal not only with fight against domestic violence, but also with the propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Information about links between some representatives of the new generation of human rights defenders of Kazakhstan and the LBGTIQ+ community was spread. It is done to cast aspersions on the reputation of some participants of the Coalition. The state prohibits holding peaceful assemblies in support of the LGBTIQ+ community or holding assemblies by representatives of the community. Vice versa, it allows holding peaceful assemblies dedicated to countering the LGBTIQ+ community.

Moreover, on May 29, 2024, a petition was published on the special state service ‘We are against open and hidden propaganda of LGBT in the Republic of Kazakhstan.” Please note that the tool of online petitions is new one and was specifically introduced to the Administrative Procedural Code (APC) to improve administrative procedures.

 According to the Administrative Procedural and Process-related Code, the subject of petition may not be questions that involve breach of human and civil rights and freedoms. Nevertheless, the above petition exceeded the required limit of the number of signatures (50,000 signatures) and is now checked for compliance with conditions.

The above-said, in my opinion, indicates the tools that the state of Kazakhstan uses, as well as many third parties in order to form the negative image of representatives of the LGBTIQ+ community.

It is important to understand that the LGBTIQ+ community is currently a good target for testing and practical use of information impact tools to form the clear public homophobic consensus.

In fact, the state has created the atmosphere of self-censorship for the absolute majority of those who would like to make a stand or support the community in online and offline formats for moral, humanitarian and human rights aspects, yet they have a justified fear of being considered as the LGBTIQ+ representatives with all ensuing consequences.

In addition to reputational consequences, publication of materials in support of the LGBTIQ+ community via online accounts, with all other things being equal, may be treated as the illicit content and blocked.

In conclusion, I would like to note that I cite LGBTIQ+ as the most graphic example of forming the enemy image, which does not fit the world view, where ‘traditional values’ are used as the tool of segregation, censorship and discrimination.

It follows that the LGBTIQ+ community is just the beginning. In the long run, other groups, communities, and even particular nationalities/ethnicities can be set against the traditionally thinking majority.

Moreover, the tools (that are widely used) to form the enemy image ‘are available and look good!’

P.S. Here and here you will find about the information doctrine, and also about the latest legislative initiatives as tools for further regulation of free speech and for creation of the potential atmosphere of censorship and self-censorship.

Note: The author is responsible for the opinion.

Main illustration: Freepik.com

This publication was funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of IWPR and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 

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