
With the strengthening of the positions of the new government in Kyrgyzstan, more and more questions are raised about the rapprochement of Kyrgyzstan with Turkey. If these arguments are valid, what triggered these changes? How did official Bishkek begin to view relations with Turkey? Why Ankara is ready to restore the Batken region and how it is connected with geopolitics, this and other issues are discussed in the article, written by Adinay Kurmanbekova, a participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics (more…)

Irina Osipova 14.06.21

Kazakhstan started implementation of the new overall plan of privatisation. In 2021-2025, the state is going to sell by auction or place into trust to investors over 670 facilites.


CABAR.asia 11.06.21

According to the analysts, the bilateral relations are best strengthened not by declarative statements, but by certain and mutually beneficial projects in various areas. (more…)

The Central Asian region has lost its once-largest lake in the world – Aral Sea. However, the ecological disaster was not a lesson to be learned for the authorities of Uzbekistan who still continue to treat water resources thoughtlessly. (more…)

Every year, with the beginning of the heating season, residents of Uzbekistan complain about limited hours of electricity supply.


Farkhod Tolipov 08.06.21

The expert discusses the information sovereignty of the countries of the region, the search and imposition of external enemies and recipes for strengthening their independence. (more…)

In Kyrgyzstan, there is one female athlete to six male athletes, according to the statistics of the Stage Agency for Youth, Sport and Physical Education Affairs. According to the female athletes, girls in sport often face discrimination and have fewer opportunities. (more…)

Adam Hug 07.06.21

The analytical platform CABAR.asia presents the material on human rights in Kyrgyzstan by its partner, The Foreign Policy Centre (FPC Think Tank)


Ermek Baisalov 04.06.21

May of 2021 in Central Asia is remembered for the end of Ramadan and pardon of prisoners, trip of the presidents of two countries to Moscow, deficit of air tickets and difficult yet encouraging epidemiological situation in the region. CABAR.asia provides a brief review of the most significant events in the region that took place last month.


CABAR.asia 03.06.21

The situation of migrants in the Russian society has always been a challenge. According to the Federal Migration Service, over 10 million migrants reside in Russia legally, whereas three million reside thee illegally. Most of them come from Central Asia. (more…)