
Astana will check the Kazakh-Turkish educational institutions for the relation with the preacher Fethullah Gülen, has transferred on August 5 from local news agency “Kaz inform”. About this, the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev declared in Ankara. (more…)

Human rights activists in Tajikistan urge the authorities to prevent tortures concerning detainees. Law enforcement officers commonly resort to variety forms of cruel-treatment. Violence over women remains a serious problem. (more…)

“The traditional foreign policy discourse of a civilizational “bridge”, linking the East and the West, has been replaced by a concept of the “central power” in which Turkey stands as an independent geopolitical and geo-strategic center” – this material is devoted to an analysis of Turkey’s influence on the Central Asian states, prepared specially for CABAR. asia, by an analyst from Kazakhstan Iskander Akylbaev. (more…)

“The traditional foreign policy discourse of a civilizational “bridge”, linking the East and the West, has been replaced by a concept of the “central power” in which Turkey stands as an independent geopolitical and geo-strategic center” – this material is devoted to an analysis of Turkey’s influence on the Central Asian states, prepared specially for CABAR. asia, by an analyst from Kazakhstan Iskander Akylbaev.

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“The traditional foreign policy discourse of a civilizational “bridge”, linking the East and the West, has been replaced by a concept of the “central power” in which Turkey stands as an independent geopolitical and geo-strategic center” – this material is devoted to an analysis of Turkey’s influence on the Central Asian states, prepared specially for CABAR. asia, by an analyst from Kazakhstan Iskander Akylbaev. (more…) 10.08.16

“The average income of the families of the majority of Kyrgyzstani citizens who have left, tells us that the difficult socio-economic situation is not a key motivation”, – says Chinara Esengul in an article on the causes of youth radicalization in Kyrgyzstan, written specially for (more…)

“The average income of the families of the majority of Kyrgyzstani citizens who have left, tells us that the difficult socio-economic situation is not a key motivation”, – says Chinara Esengul in an article on the causes of youth radicalization in Kyrgyzstan, written specially for

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Receiving asylum for the nationals of Kyrgyzstan is the most common way of legalization in the US, even if nothing actually threatens them back home. (more…)

“However, the state – it is merely a machine, in which, those actually in charge, are the bureaucrats. It is, precisely, the bureaucrats, who have taken the “courage” and “responsibility” to pursue a course to change the political and economic system. As a result, the bureaucrats have concentrated enormous powers in their hands, while their responsibility for the consequences of the acts committed is blurred, hence there is a clan-oligarchic capitalism with feudal-Soviet methods of management”, – in the material made specially for, an economist Alisher Taksanov unveils the specificities of the political system of Uzbekistan.

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“However, the state – it is merely a machine, in which, those actually in charge, are the bureaucrats. It is, precisely, the bureaucrats, who have taken the “courage” and “responsibility” to pursue a course to change the political and economic system. As a result, the bureaucrats have concentrated enormous powers in their hands, while their responsibility for the consequences of the acts committed is blurred, hence there is a clan-oligarchic capitalism with feudal-Soviet methods of management”, – in the material made specially for, an economist Alisher Taksanov unveils the specificities of the political system of Uzbekistan. (more…)