
 “With the deepening of Sino-Turkmen relations, Ashgabat appears to have objective concerns about falling into a strong dependence on the PRC. Given this, the Turkmen authorities are taking measures to diversify routes and their energy buyers’ list,” – Sinologist Ruslan Izimov reveals important aspects of Sino-Turkmen cooperation in the context of the regional situation in this exclusive. (more…)

 “With the deepening of Sino-Turkmen relations, Ashgabat appears to have objective concerns about falling into a strong dependence on the PRC. Given this, the Turkmen authorities are taking measures to diversify routes and their energy buyers’ list,” – Sinologist Ruslan Izimov reveals important aspects of Sino-Turkmen cooperation in the context of the regional situation in this exclusive. (more…)

“In this case, the closure of Hizmet schools could meet the needs of the EaEU, Turkey, and Kyrgyzstan.  Therefore it would be wise to wait for any updates to the “Foreign Agents” bill in the country as well as increased lobbying for this bill from abroad.” – Political scientist Atai Moldobaev lays out his predictions in this exclusive. (more…)

“In this case, the closure of Hizmet schools could meet the needs of the EaEU, Turkey, and Kyrgyzstan.  Therefore it would be wise to wait for any updates to the “Foreign Agents” bill in the country as well as increased lobbying for this bill from abroad.” – Political scientist Atai Moldobaev lays out his predictions in this exclusive.

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“In this case, the closure of Hizmet schools could meet the needs of the EaEU, Turkey, and Kyrgyzstan.  Therefore it would be wise to wait for any updates to the “Foreign Agents” bill in the country as well as increased lobbying for this bill from abroad.” – Political scientist Atai Moldobaev lays out his predictions in this exclusive. (more…) 25.08.16

“The recent change in Iranian leadership, namely the victory of Hassan Rouhani in the 2013 presidential elections as well as the return of reformers and allies of the President to the Iranian parliament in the first half of 2016, denoted the beginning of the implementation of new approaches to the external and internal policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” – Kazakhstani expert Lidiya Parkhomchik outlines Iran’s foreign policy strategy in Central Asia in this exclusive. (more…)

“The recent change in Iranian leadership, namely the victory of Hassan Rouhani in the 2013 presidential elections as well as the return of reformers and allies of the President to the Iranian parliament in the first half of 2016, denoted the beginning of the implementation of new approaches to the external and internal policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” – Kazakhstani expert Lidiya Parkhomchik outlines Iran’s foreign policy strategy in Central Asia in this exclusive.

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(more…) 24.08.16

      It is the third year, that the entrance exams to the universities of Tajikistan held in the National testing center. Ensuring transparency of holding examinations, and elimination of corruption were the main condition of creation of the center in 2013. (more…)

There is little state provision for a particularly vulnerable sector of the population. (more…)

Government needs to tackle specific risks, not get distracted by conspiracy theories. (more…)