
On the matter of how realistic it is to achieve the set goals of the National Development Strategy until 2030, its particulars and mechanisms of implementation, specially for, shared their opinions experts from Tajikistan, Parviz Mullojanov and Khursand Khurramov. (more…)

Initial moves towards reform have not convinced observers that the new leader will end a quarter of a century of dictatorial rule. (more…)

Initial moves towards reform have not convinced observers that the new leader will end a quarter of a century of dictatorial rule. (more…)

Officials blame falling remittances but have failed to implement serious reforms.  (more…)

Diana Okremova 20.12.16

“The State is determined to continue to strengthen its control of the media by increasing the amount of the budgetary resources allocated to it. Under these circumstances, mass media will remain a propaganda instrument but not an independent, competitive business in anyway. This state of affairs is not conducive to the appearance of new, independent media due to the inequality of market forces,” – expert Diana Okremova identifies the problems facing the development of the Kazakhstani media sphere in this exclusive.

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“The State is determined to continue to strengthen its control of the media by increasing the amount of the budgetary resources allocated to it. Under these circumstances, mass media will remain a propaganda instrument but not an independent, competitive business in anyway. This state of affairs is not conducive to the appearance of new, independent media due to the inequality of market forces,” – expert Diana Okremova identifies the problems facing the development of the Kazakhstani media sphere in this exclusive. (more…) 19.12.16

IWPR has awarded the inaugural prizes in a new competition that aims to promote the culture of investigative reporting across Kyrgyz and Tajik local media. Award-winners have published a range of groundbreaking stories.  (more…) 14.12.16

“The fact that there have been no incidents and the elections were held in a peaceful atmosphere does not yet imply the transparency of the electoral process, and certainly does not show a high level of democratization of the Uzbek society”, – an expert from Tashkent, specially for, forecasts further development of Uzbekistan led by a new president.

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“The fact that there have been no incidents and the elections were held in a peaceful atmosphere does not yet imply the transparency of the electoral process, and certainly does not show a high level of democratization of the Uzbek society”, – an expert from Tashkent, specially for, forecasts further development of Uzbekistan led by a new president. (more…)

“The return of labor migrants has reached critical mass in the course of the economic crisis facing their country of destination. This influx of returning labor migrants is also capable of exerting influence on the demographic structure of the population, labor market and socio-political stability. It is could also lead to a further deterioration in certain deteriorating criminogenic factors in the country, which is also incredibly undesirable for society”, – economist Anvar Babaev analyzes a series of problems facing labor migrants after they return to their homeland in this exclusive.

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