IWPR CA / Tajikistan

International Forum «Women and Water» in Dushanbe: more ambitious planning is needed

In Dushanbe, the International Pre-Conference Forum "Women and Water" was held on 10 June at the "Kokhi Navruz" palace. It became an important platform for discussing the role of women and e..

Navruz Karimov 12.06.24
Go Viral Festival in Dushanbe came to an end

The second day of the seventh Go Viral Festival in Dushanbe held on 27 May, organized by IWPR Central Asia, was no less exciting than the first day. More than 500 participants came to the Ze..

CABAR.asia 29.05.23

Investigations / Tajikistan

Why Has Tajikistan Failed to Succeed with the Recycling of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs?

A part of the funds allocated by the authorities and international organisations for the safe disposal of millions of mercury-containing lamps (light bulbs) in Tajikistan was not used for it..

CABAR.asia 21.05.24
When will the era of espionage between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan end?

Tajik nationals serving sentences on false espionage charges in Uzbek prisons ask for a review of their cases...

Abror Kurbonmuratov 13.11.23

Opinions / Tajikistan

Will We See a Sovereign Central Asia?

As Moscow’s grip falters, and Beijing ups its influence, the region is seeing intriguing moves towards collective agreement and integration...

Abakhon Sultonnazarov 15.11.22
We have a lot to learn from Georgians. Summary of the research internship

Two weeks ago I returned from a research internship I had conducted in Georgia, and I am still very much impressed. Until then, most of the research I had been involved in consisted of desk..

CABAR.asia 08.07.22