«If we however assume the scenario when this issue turns from a “regular” discussion into real action to open a military base, Kyrgyzstan will need to scrutinise the issue and ensuing consequences,» – notes Zamira Isakova, an expert in politics and security issues in Central Asia, wrote in the article specifically for CABAR.asia.
РусскийBrief summary:
- Discussions around the opening of the military base have been regularly circulating since 2005;
- The issue of military base opening is raised more to accommodate political trends, and as a regular, rather unnecessary favour to Moscow;
- Objectively, the military base in the framework of CSTO could facilitate the solution of a wide range of issues;
- The appearance of this base will put Kyrgyzstan at risk of losing a certain share of freedom in prioritising foreign political course, especially in terms of security and defence.
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Kyrgyzstan expects the state visit of the president of the Russian Federation scheduled for March 28 of this year. There’s no doubt that it will be accompanied by a series of joint agreements and declarations, including the significant issue regarding the new military base under the aegis of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. The topic of military base establishment is interesting due to on-going outbreaks of violence in the border area of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, the history of Batken military actions[1]The truth about Batken http://slovo.kg/?p=76546 August 2017, and political debates around resumed discussions about the establishment of a military base in southern Kyrgyzstan. This article may not have a single answer and the article doesn’t offer ready solutions, but provides a comprehensive review of historical facts of the issue and reflects the real discussion of the possible establishment of a military base of CSTO, in which Russia plays a key role.
Background Discussions around the opening of the military base have been regularly circulating since 2005, when this issue was raised due to the bloody Andizhan events[2]Andizhan bloodshed: memories of witnesses 10 years later https://www.bbc.com/russian/international/2015/05/150513_andijan_anniversary May 13, 2015. Subsequent discussions didn’t lead to serious measures because new priorities appeared in bilateral relations of the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia. However, the issue was raised again in 2009 between the president of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiev and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, and was captured in the bilateral memorandum of intent to create a training base or a military division[3]Russia and Kyrgyzstan will take into account opinions of colleagues in CSTO https://24.kg/archive/ru/cis/62138-rossiya-i-kyrgyzstan-uchtut-mnenie-kolleg-po-odkb.html/ September 4, 2009. But nearest neighbours, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, were strongly against[4]Kyrgyzstan Faces down Uzbek Protests over Basehttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL5450388 August 2009 it. The leadership of Uzbekistan overreacted. In its statement, Tashkent declared that “the base can give impetus to various nationalistic conflicts”[5]Kyrgyzstan: Plans to create new military base cause discontent of Uzbekistan,. The reasons for such fears were caused by rather tense relations between the states of the Central Asian region. To compound that in May 2009 Uzbek towns of Andizhan and Khanabad bordering Kyrgyzstan were alerted by violent clashes. According to official sources, the alert was caused by “bandits,” and other sources said it was attacking by militants of Islamic Jihad extremist organisation, which split from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan[6]Uzbekistan 2009: “Islamic Jihad”, “grey imports”, closure of borders and secret trials https://www.fergananews.com/articles/6328 October 9, 2009. Back then, the official authorities of Uzbekistan saw the “Kyrgyz footprint” implying the indirect support of “bandits” by Kyrgyzstan. Due to those events and because of “oriental” nuances around the situation, the establishing of the base under the CSTO, where Russia would be playing key role, was almost forgotten. In 2012, the popular issue regarding “military base” in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic was brought to life again under the president of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev. According to the initial plan, the military base could be deployed in the southern Kyrgyzstan and could have united all military facilities of Russia, but border troops of the Federal Security Service of Russia based in Osh, and could have a sonorous name of the “Joint Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan”[7]Russian base in Osh will stop bloodshed in Fergana Valley https://paruskg.info/glavnaya/68879-68879.html September 20, 2012. Despite the fact that all discussions were about the establishing of the base in the south of the country, it ended up with the signing of an agreement in 2012, which came into force in early 2017 and envisaged integration of all military facilities of Russia in Kyrgyzstan in a single structure “for centralisation of control and more effective command.”[8]Joint Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan. What? Where? When? https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2232631.html January 30, 2017. In other words, the joint military base consisting of four military facilities (Kant airbase, radio seismic laboratory of the seismic service of Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, long-distance communication hub of the Navy of Russian Federation and test base on Lake Issyk Kul) was given a status of a legal entity, which doesn’t imply any changes in quantity or deployment. The integration of all Russian military facilities under one flag alarmed not only the expert community and media, but also the political arena and the people. And then followed political flirting and unjustified statements of representatives of relevant government agencies led by the president of the Kyrgyz Republic Almazbek Atambaev regarding possible forced withdrawal of military facilities upon the expiration of tenancy period [9]President of Kyrgyzstan is about to close the Russian military base https://ria.ru/20161201/1482617580.html December 1, 2016. Before coming into force of the integration process, in 2013 and in 2015 at the meetings of the CSTO the idea of establishment of the military base in the southern Kyrgyzstan also rose, but remained at the level discussion. Probably one of the most interesting moments in this story was that in 2017 Moscow stated it was not interested in creation of military bases in Kyrgyzstan, emphasising that “Russia, unlike some other well-known states, does not aim at covering the world with its military bases” [10]Russia will not create second military base in Kyrgyzstan https://www.fergananews.com/news/26999 November 10, 2017. This somewhat unexpected gesture of Russia, given the fact that President Almazbek Atambaev tended to open another military base, generated two main insights [11]Almazbek Atambaev not afraid of second military base https://24.kg/vlast/58298_almazbek_atambaev_neboitsya_razmeschat_vtoruyu_rossiyskuyu_voennuyu_bazu/ July 24, 2017. The first insight is that this unambiguous declaration can be seen as a unique attempt to position Russia as the “peaceful” ally of neighbouring states, especially amid the political events happening globally. The second and more reasonable insight reflects the attempt to indirectly influence the domestic affairs of Kyrgyzstan amid the hype about the then forthcoming presidential election in the country. The mention of a military base by the current leader of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Zheenbekov in 2018 partially proves the decisive role of Russia in this matter. Particularly, last year Sooronbay Zheenbekov emphasised that despite the fact that the second base issue was raised before him, Russia is a part that will make final decision. [12]Zheenbekov on opening of military base on the border of Tajikistan: Russia’s to make the decision … . In general, this issue has been long and consistently raised on the agenda of bilateral relations of the Kyrgyz Republic and Russian Federation.
However, due to their nature, the Russian party represented by foreign minister Sergei Lavrov claimed they heard this idea for the first time[18]No second Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan so far https://kloop.kg/blog/2019/02/04/vtoroj-rossijskoj-voennoj-bazy-v-kyrgyzstane-poka-ne-budet-lavrov/ February 4, 2019. Thus, the issue initiated by the Kyrgyz party needs to be studied in detail, yet Russia is ready for discussion. Given this context, Russian media unanimously said that the base will be more beneficial to Kyrgyzstan and is not a priority for Russia because it’s more profitable to strengthen the military power of already existing military facilities in Central Asia rather than create a new base[19]Why Russia needs another military base in Kyrgyzstan https://vz.ru/politics/2019/2/4/962561.html February 4, 2019, emphasising the improper alliance in bilateral relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.
Discussing the need for additional military base The background and inclusion of the issue on the 2019 agenda cause a reasonable question – is there pressing need for the opening of additional military base in the Kyrgyz Republic, even under the aegis of CSTO? In addition to the above-mentioned official stance of Russia, we can refer to opinions of the parties, which would make the events clear. Thus, according to Dzhekshenkulov, as a representative of the official authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic, the issue is rather urgent due to security threats from armed groups in Afghanistan. Although Kyrgyzstan doesn’t share borders with Afghanistan, the situation in neighbouring Tajikistan and Afghanistan remains difficult [20]Militants at the Tajik border – what should Kyrgyzstan be concerned about https://www.vb.kg/doc/376977_boeviki_y_granicy_tadjikistana_chego_opasatsia_kyrgyzstany.html March 4, 2019. The base could impede the militants’ attack. Some uncertainty is associated with the relocation of remaining ISIS and “returnees” from the ISIS camps (who, in most cases, pose no threat because their recruiting and roles on the ground remain questionable). But even if the people in power deem such “returnees” pose a regional threat, certain nuances appear in relation to a possible base in the framework of CSTO that could address domestic security issues. According to advisor to CSTO, Aleksei Nikiforov, “if groups made mainly of former citizens break into Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan…CSTO is unlikely to send its units to help”[21]Aleksei Nikiforov, CSTO: its role, capacity and possible measures in case of negative course of events in Afghanistan after 2014, Security challenges in Central Asia, Institute of World Economy … . All these moments can arise in the long-term, but currently we should understand whether it’s rational and necessary to open this base.This article was prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project implemented with the financial support of the Foreign Ministry of Norway. The opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the position of the editorial or donor.
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↑ 1 | The truth about Batken http://slovo.kg/?p=76546 August 2017 |
↑ 2 | Andizhan bloodshed: memories of witnesses 10 years later https://www.bbc.com/russian/international/2015/05/150513_andijan_anniversary May 13, 2015 |
↑ 3 | Russia and Kyrgyzstan will take into account opinions of colleagues in CSTO https://24.kg/archive/ru/cis/62138-rossiya-i-kyrgyzstan-uchtut-mnenie-kolleg-po-odkb.html/ September 4, 2009 |
↑ 4 | Kyrgyzstan Faces down Uzbek Protests over Basehttps://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL5450388 August 2009 |
↑ 5 | Kyrgyzstan: Plans to create new military base cause discontent of Uzbekistan, |
↑ 6 | Uzbekistan 2009: “Islamic Jihad”, “grey imports”, closure of borders and secret trials https://www.fergananews.com/articles/6328 October 9, 2009 |
↑ 7 | Russian base in Osh will stop bloodshed in Fergana Valley https://paruskg.info/glavnaya/68879-68879.html September 20, 2012 |
↑ 8 | Joint Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan. What? Where? When? https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2232631.html January 30, 2017 |
↑ 9 | President of Kyrgyzstan is about to close the Russian military base https://ria.ru/20161201/1482617580.html December 1, 2016 |
↑ 10 | Russia will not create second military base in Kyrgyzstan https://www.fergananews.com/news/26999 November 10, 2017 |
↑ 11 | Almazbek Atambaev not afraid of second military base https://24.kg/vlast/58298_almazbek_atambaev_neboitsya_razmeschat_vtoruyu_rossiyskuyu_voennuyu_bazu/ July 24, 2017 |
↑ 12 | Zheenbekov on opening of military base on the border of Tajikistan: Russia’s to make the decision https://tj.sputniknews.ru/asia/20180306/1024938232/zheenbekov-rasskazal-novoy-voennoy-baze-granice-tajikistan-kyrgyzstan.html March 6, 2018 |
↑ 13 | Russia’s not to create second military base in Kyrgyzstan https://www.fergananews.com/news/26999 November 10, 2017 |
↑ 14 | Why Russia needs another military base in Kyrgyzstan https://vz.ru/politics/2019/2/4/962561.html February 4, 2019 |
↑ 15 | Newly elected chair of CSTO Permanent Council https://ru.sputnik.kg/politics/20181116/1042029939/izbranie-predsedatel-postoyanniy-sovet-odkb-kyrgyzstan.html November 16, 2018 |
↑ 16 | President Zheenbekov voices foreign policy priorities of Kyrgyzstan https://www.vb.kg/doc/377215_prezident_jeenbekov_ozvychil_prioritety_vneshney_politiki_kyrgyzstana.html March 14, 2019 |
↑ 17 | The lessons of Batken https://www.ritmeurasia.org/news—2014.07.30—uroki-batkena-13857 July 30, 2014 |
↑ 18 | No second Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan so far https://kloop.kg/blog/2019/02/04/vtoroj-rossijskoj-voennoj-bazy-v-kyrgyzstane-poka-ne-budet-lavrov/ February 4, 2019 |
↑ 19 | Why Russia needs another military base in Kyrgyzstan https://vz.ru/politics/2019/2/4/962561.html February 4, 2019 |
↑ 20 | Militants at the Tajik border – what should Kyrgyzstan be concerned about https://www.vb.kg/doc/376977_boeviki_y_granicy_tadjikistana_chego_opasatsia_kyrgyzstany.html March 4, 2019 |
↑ 21 | Aleksei Nikiforov, CSTO: its role, capacity and possible measures in case of negative course of events in Afghanistan after 2014, Security challenges in Central Asia, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, 136-139, page 137 |
↑ 22 | Second Russian military base: Brief background and comments by Andrei Grozin https://elgezit.kg/2019/02/08/vtoraya-rossijskaya-voennaya-baza-kratkaya-istoriya-i-kommentarij-andreya-grozina/ February 8, 2019 |
↑ 23 | Does Kyrgyzstan need second Russian military base? https://vesti.kg/politika/item/51825-nuzhna-li-kyrgyzstanu-vtoraya-rossijskaya-voennaya-baza.html May 16, 2018 |
↑ 24 | Public Opinion Survey: Residents Of Kyrgyzstan https://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/february_2019_kyrgyzstan_poll.pdf ноябрь 2018 |
↑ 25 | Standard charter of Public Prevention Centre http://cbd.minjust.gov.kg/act/view/ru-ru/98126 October 27, 2015 |
↑ 26 | Talk with the members of Public Prevention Centre, March 11, 2019 |
↑ 27 | New military base of Russia in Kyrgyzstan: pros and cons http://eurasia.expert/novaya-voennaya-baza-rossii-v-kyrgyzstane-za-i-protiv/ October 19, 2017 |
↑ 28 | Appearance of the new Russian military base in Kyrgyzstan – a curtsy to the Kremlin http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/32815-pojavlenie-v-kirgizii-novoj-rossijskoj-voennoj-bazy-reverans-kremlju.html February 6, 2019 |
↑ 29 | Main tasks of Collective Rapid Reaction Forces http://www.odkb-csto.org/js_csto/voennaya-sostavlyauschaya-odkb/ksorodkb.php (date of visit March 15, 2019) |
↑ 30 | Is the second Russian military base going to appear in Kyrgyzstan? https://rus.azattyk.org/a/kyrgyzstan-russia-base-kant/29229401.html May 16, 2018 |
↑ 31 | Frederick Starr: For Central Asian States the Regional Cooperation is Important, But Not Integration and Loss of Sovereignty https://analytics.cabar.asia/ru/frederik-starr-dlya-stran-tsentralnoj-azii-vazhno-sotrudnichestvo-no-ne-integratsiya-i-poterya-suverennosti/ February 7, 2019 |
↑ 32, 33 | Is Kyrgyzstan to have second military base? https://rus.ozodi.org/a/29758797.html February 8, 2019 |
↑ 34 | Public Opinion Survey: Residents Of Kyrgyzstan https://www.iri.org/sites/default/files/february_2019_kyrgyzstan_poll.pdf November 2018 |
↑ 35 | Who protects Central Asia from terrorists? An opinion from within Kyrgyzstan http://www.stanradar.com/news/full/28204-kto-zaschischaet-tsentralnuju-aziju-ot-terroristov-vzgljad-iz-kyrgyzstana.html January 29, 2018 |