
During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the issue of post-COVID economic recovery in Central Asia is already included in the agenda. International institutions and the expert research community’s representatives present various timelines of economic recovery to the pre-crisis level. Meanwhile, there are proposals about the transformation of the economic model itself.


Madina Arbobova 10.11.20

Countries such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan are important partners for Tajikistan. However, with Russia and China present in Central Asia, not much attention has been paid to the South Asia region lately. The initially laid down multi-vector nature of Dushanbe’s foreign policy is no longer considered so relevant, but nevertheless, Tajikistan’s cooperation with its southern partners can still be called a priority. More in the following article for CABAR.Asia by specialist in international relations Madina Arbobova.


Rustami Sukhrob 22.10.20

Reestablished ties between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, despite the bilateral nature, can play a definitive role in bolstering intra-regional co-operation. An expert on international relations Rustami Sukhrob looks into the points of contact, problems and prospects for these two neighbouring countires and attempts to explain what implications their repproachment can bring for the rest of Central Asia.


CABAR.asia 16.10.20

Tajikistan is the first Central Asian country, where the Single Window System was launched for registration of export, import and transit procedures. The developers believe that the system can simplify the work of entrepreneurs. We try to figure out whether this is true.


CABAR.asia 13.10.20

The incumbent President, Emomali Rahmon, as expected, won the election with triumph. According to the Central Election Commission, over 90 percent of voters voted for him. (more…)

CABAR.asia 09.10.20

Yoged is the only village in Darvoz district of GBAO of Tajikistan, where the most residents profess Ismaili Shia Islam, unlike their neighbors who are Sunnis. While the differences in religious madhhabs lead to discrimination, conflict and violence around the world, the experience of Yoged residents can be considered unique. (more…)

CABAR.asia survey of the residents of the Tajik capital showed that the majority of Tajiks know about the protests in Belarus and have different opinions on the current events there.


No candidate debates, empty campaign offices, aggressive advertisement of current President Rahmon, attacks on supporters and relatives of the real opposition- this is how the presidential campaign of 2020 in Tajikistan could be shortly characterized. One of the registered candidates declared that he would congratulate the winner with a bouquet of flowers.


CABAR.asia 08.10.20

Healthcare centers in rural areas of Tajikistan are in disrepair, crumbled or unsuitable for receiving patients, and remain one of the acute problems. (more…)

CABAR.asia 25.09.20

Presidential elections in Tajikistan will be held on October 11 this year. However, experts believe that their outcome is predetermined and the current President will retain his post.
