
Navruz Karimov 04.01.21

Tajikistan met 2020 amid uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and protests in several cities. There was no vivid opposition in the parliamentary and presidential elections. Tajik migrants experienced difficulties returning home. Analythical journalist Navruz Karimov tells about the results of the year in details in his article for CABAR.asia.


Central Asian countries are currently trying to recover their tourism economies. Just like in the rest of the world, this industry in the region was affected one of the first and more than others. (more…)

CABAR.asia 30.12.20

Experts believe that the government has to reduce the tax burden on the private business, which provides up to 80% of tax revenues to the budget in order to ensure tax collections. Otherwise, the entrepreneurs will withdraw their capital from the country whenever possible. (more…)

Umedjon Majidi 28.12.20

The pandemic has exposed the downsides of crisis management in Tajikistan. On the other hand, it also has brought various opportunities to improve country’s image and increase control over the flows of information. More details in an article by political scientist Umedjon Majidi for CABAR.asia.


CABAR.asia 18.12.20

The workers involved in the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power plant have no money even for a ride home.


Sher Khashimov 16.12.20

It has become a common practice in Tajikistan to record violations and hooliganism using a smartphone camera. Ordinary citizens take on the role of vigilant guardians of the law, while the authorities, in turn, are forced to react. Digital Vigilantism is a new global phenomenon that also manifests itself locally. Independent researcher Sher Khashimov examines the cultural origins and political context of such activism in Tajikistan in an article for CABAR.Asia.


CABAR.asia 08.12.20

Worshippers in Tajikistan are dissatisfied with the ban on visiting mosques and accuse the authorities of bias. At the same time, doctors and some clergy members believe that these measures taken to prevent COVID-19 spread are justified.


CABAR.asia 23.11.20

Even after thirty years, Lenin monuments and Soviet symbols still evoke nostalgia not only among Tajik communists, but also among ordinary residents of Tajikistan. The followers of communist ideology preserve some of the monuments, while others decay in abandoned places, where they were stored after dismantling.


CABAR.asia 11.11.20

The number of divorces is constantly growing in Tajikistan. This leads to numerous problems, especially for young women, who are traditionally parented to become only wives and mothers. Young women are left alone without education and profession, with little children, often without support of their parents who cannot provide for them.
