
Rauf Salahodjaev 01.11.19

«The implementation of ambitious tasks will require the active and coordinated work of ministries and departments, since most of such indicators as the Global Innovation Index or the Global Competitiveness Index are composite indicators consisting of numerous sub-indicators», – mentions economist Rauf Salakhodzhaev in his article, written specifically for CABAR.asia.


Marat Mamadshoev 18.10.19

“The issue of integration should neither be considered as a solution to the migration problem, nor should it be confined to it, since migration is a negative phenomenon, while nations usually unite on the basis of positive drivers,” says Uzbek political scientist Farhod Tolipov, director of non-governmental scientific –educational institution “Bilim carvoni” (“Caravan of knowledge”).


The market of technological entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan is only starting to emerge. However, despite the problems facing the sector, local experts are confident that in the next two years the country will become the leader in the IT sphere among the Central Asian countries.

The state thus demonstrates that citizens who return voluntarily can count at least on fair justice, according to experts.


«It appears that the Parliament of the country will remain «obedient» in the hands of the government. This phenomenon will be perceived as if natural by the voter, the government and a member of the Parliament himself », – notes Bakhtiyor Alimjanov, Ph.D. in History and an independent researcher from Uzbekistan, in his article for CABAR.asia. (more…)

Mirzo Subkhanov 19.09.19

Participants in the presidential affordable housing program in Uzbekistan claim their rights have been violated. They are unhappy with the price increase, non-compliance with the terms of the contract and accuse the construction companies of poor-quality work.

“Participation of CIS in radical groups fighting in Syria, Iraq and some parts of Afghanistan is a common issue for all CIS states. Joint efforts would facilitate the fight against this phenomenon and terrorism in general,” Arastun Orujlu, Azerbaijan-based expert in security issues, former officer of the Ministry of National Security of Azerbaijan, and head of the Vostok Zapad think tank, said in the interview to CABAR.asia.

Elena Chuyanova 12.09.19

This year universities have extended only 110,095 quotas, while over a million of applicants have applied for universities.


CABAR.asia 06.09.19

What needs to be done to raise the status of women in Uzbekistan? Elier Karimov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor at Hofstra University (New York, USA) considers it useful to legally strengthen the measures which provide privileges for women.

Irina Matvienko 07.05.19

Uzbekistan is the only state in Central Asian region, which doesn’t have a law on equal rights and opportunities for men and women. However, in late April the country submitted a draft law for public discussion. It has caused mixed reaction of people.