
When leaving orphanages, their graduates often do not know where to go, what to do, and how to earn a living. The country does not provide post-orphanage support and housing laws are almost not working.


Every year orphanages in Kazakhstan release 2,000 orphans according to the Ministry of Education for 2013. Almost all of them go into “adulthood” unfit: they do not know about their rights, have problems with employment and have no idea about the family model. (more…)

Aigerim Musabalinova, an expert on children’s rights tries to find an answer to the question of how the social and cultural aspect of the country affects the well-being of children and the observance of their rights and interests, in an article for CABAR.asia.


CABAR.asia 18.08.20

In Tajikistan, there is a high demand for the adoption of newborn babies, boys mainly. (more…)