
CABAR.asia 08.07.21

An expert from Afghanistan noted that the Taliban do not enjoy wide support among the Afghan population, and the legitimization of terrorists by big players only complicates the process of achieving peace and development in Afghanistan.


CABAR.asia 06.07.21

Every year the water shortage will be felt more and more acutely. “First of all, this is due to irrational use of water in all five states of the region,” the experts emphasized at the CABAR.asia expert meeting dedicated to discussing this issue.


CABAR.asia 18.06.21

Central Asian governments should strengthen measures to diversify labor migration routes, participants in the regional expert meeting of the analytical platform CABAR.asia believe. (more…)

Irina Osipova 14.06.21

Kazakhstan started implementation of the new overall plan of privatisation. In 2021-2025, the state is going to sell by auction or place into trust to investors over 670 facilites.


CABAR.asia 03.06.21

The situation of migrants in the Russian society has always been a challenge. According to the Federal Migration Service, over 10 million migrants reside in Russia legally, whereas three million reside thee illegally. Most of them come from Central Asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 07.05.21

How psychiatric services work in Central Asian states (more…)

CABAR.asia 22.04.21

Karaganda is one of the largest coal-mining regions in Kazakhstan. There are about 32 thousand miners in the region. However, every third of them developed health conditions or became disabled while working at the mine. (more…)

Human rights activists are concerned over the updated rules of medical examination of transgender people in Kazakhstan. They restrict access of transgender people to medical assistance, deprive them of a chance to socialise and live in security.


According to experts, in Kazakhstan, about 80% of facilities are inaccessible for people with disabilities, and 20% can be considered partially accessible.


In 2020, the number of internet frauds in Kazakhstan increased by 70.6 per cent, according to the legal statistics and special records committee of the General Prosecutor’s Office.
