
Diana Mustafina 12.03.21

From household tasks to labour rights, the pandemic has aggravated endemic gender inequality. (more…)

96 per cent of Kazakhstanis have prejudices against women, according to the Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) of the UN Development Programme. (more…)

CABAR.asia 04.03.21

IWPR has united experienced and beginning podcasters of Central Asia, Russia and United Kingdom at the online festival “Hello Podcasters!”.


Andrey Grishin 01.03.21

In 2020, 63 criminal cases under article 146 “Torture” of the Criminal Code were registered in Kazakhstan, according to the Legal Statistics and Special Records Committee of the General Prosecutor’s Office. Only 11 of them were brought to court.


Kazakhstan has 694,734 registered persons with disabilities, according to the website “Social protection of people with disabilities” of the ministry of social protection of the population. 56 per cent of them are women. (more…)

Diana Mustafina 08.02.21

Authorities will have to overcome anti-vaccine sentiment to implement digitised schemes. (more…)

CABAR.asia 05.02.21

On January 16, the legislative amendments to the Tax Code were adopted in Tajikistan, according to which all digital services in the country are now subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) at the rate of 18%. Similar amendments are discussed or are already introduced in other Central Asian countries. (more…)

Diana Mustafina 28.01.21

The mass vaccination against coronavirus begins in Kazakhstan on February 1. However, it will take place amid the most unsuitable epidemiological situation. In January, the country changed a safe «green» zone to a high-risk «red» zone.


Diana Mustafina 25.01.21

Since 2017, Kazakhstan has had a programme of voluntary migration from densely populated southern regions to labour-scarce northern regions. The migrants receive social package, namely, employment and accommodation assistance. 


Diana Mustafina 19.01.21

According to the World Air Quality, Nur-Sultan gets into the category of the most gas-polluted and dangerous to health cities of the world from time to time.
