
CABAR.asia 25.06.22

Finding business partners, mastering new skills, launching own start-up, or getting inspired for creativity and changes – you can do all these things and even more during the Go Viral regional festival that kicked off in Almaty and gathered over a half thousand people on Day 1. (more…)

Kazakhstan takes part in six international studies on assessment of school environment and educational progress of students. Moreover, the republic makes regular attempts to get students and teachers prepared for tests. According to experts, this practice cannot affect the overall score of the country significantly.


CABAR.asia 16.06.22

Kazakhstan ranks 19th in the world and the 4th among CIS states by gas reserves. However, about one half of the population in the country have no access to gas and burn coal.


CABAR.asia 07.06.22

77 per cent of voting Kazakhstanis at the referendum voted for amending the Constitution. However, experts doubt that there would be major changes for the better. 


CABAR.asia 06.05.22

In Kazakhstan, the number of cases of cyberbullying against children is rising, yet most parents do not report them to police.


Zulfiya Raissova 20.04.22

According to experts, the government of Kazakhstan needs to voice their own objective information and evaluations from time to time about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and its impact on the country.


The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has not affected Kazakhstan directly, but the citizens already feel economic consequences of the war.


CABAR.asia 08.04.22

Every spring in the last decade, a part of Kazakhstan gets flooded, but the authorities respond too late. This year, specialists failed to be prepared to the large-scale flooding. A part of the country sinks in thawing water, whereas the akimats of the regions fail to respond to the natural disaster. 


In the last decade, Kazakhstan has developed a sustainable trend of negative external migration. From 2012, according to the Bureau for National Statistics of Kazakhstan, 162 thousand people moved to the country, and twice as large, 333 thousand citizens, left Kazakhstan for permanent residence. These statistical data do not show several dozen thousand Kazakhstanis who live in emigration for study or work. (more…)

Khadisha Akayeva 10.03.22

From February 24, the topic of war between Ukraine and Russia is covered by most of news feeds in Kazakhstan media – the chronicle of military actions, sending of humanitarian supplies, anti-war protests, transfer of Kazakhstanis from Ukraine, economic consequences for Kazakhstan. CABAR.asia analysed the materials published by Kazakhstan media to know better how the events in Ukraine are covered.
