
In recent years, China has been actively trying to expand its influence in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region as a whole. Beijing is allocating money for technical and economic cooperation, laying routes to the west through the region and increasing the number of soft power projects. The success of PRC educational projects is particularly evident. However, experts say that there are a number of factors that reduce the effectiveness of China’s soft power tools.


Irina Osipova 22.03.23

The government of Kazakhstan has admitted that there are much more poor people in the country than is shown in the official statistics. Specialists of the relevant ministry tried to count all those in need of help, according to European standards. Almost half of registered households of Kazakhstan turned out to be at the bad, crisis, emergency social levels.


Lola Olimova 10.03.23

The development of women’s expert opinion in the countries of Central Asia was discussed by experts from the four countries of the region during an analytical discussion organized by CABAR.asia. (more…)

Larisa Chen 01.03.23

A shocking forecast made for Kazakhstan back in 2018 has come true: the country has entered the phase of man-made disasters because of the wear of public utilities. CABAR.asia together with the honoured power engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan and author of the Telegram channel “Haırýshev energy”, Zhakyp Hairushev,  are figuring out why disasters have become possible and how the country should recover from the crisis. (more…)

Irina Osipova 09.02.23

Kazakhstan-based businesses have used the sanctions of the western countries against Russia in its favour. In January-October 2022, trading companies of Kazakhstan sold electronics and mobile phones to its neighbour for over 575 million dollars. This is 18 times more than that in the same period of 2021.


Zulfiya Raissova 26.01.23

In 2022, Kazakhstan rose in the press freedom index from 155 to 122 out of 180 countries. Despite this fact, violation of the rights of journalists continues, with increased cases of threats and intimidations of journalists. In January 2023, five attacks were committed against mass media workers in Kazakhstan. (more…)

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is remaking the law “On news media” into the law “On mass media”. CABAR.asia figures out why the authorities try to qualify all digital content creators as mass media, what will change for bloggers, and what other innovations the law will bring. (more…)

Andrey Grishin 17.01.23

In Kazakhstan, those convicted for “religion-related” offences under the Criminal Code have little chances to be released early and even after their release they continue to incur out-of-court punishments. (more…)

Anar Bekbassova 09.01.23

On December 23, 2022, the president of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev surrounded by companions walked through the Almaty-based Republic Square with a gloomy face. The memorial “Tagzym” (“Bowing”) in the memory of the tragedy of January events was built in a matter of days on the square. In early 2022, the largest in the history of sovereign Kazakhstan civil protest took place in that square. (more…)

Kazakhstan has a paradoxical situation: citizens are punished for dissemination of religious non-extremist materials. One can even get fined for selling Quran or the New Testament on classifieds sites or for publishing an interview with the clergy. (more…)