
Anuar Temirov 17.03.20

«The importance of ideological work for Kazakhstan is understandable: a new wave of awakening of “Kazakhstani patriotism” is necessary due to the outflow of educated population from the country», – mentions analyst Anuar Temirov in his article written specifically for CABAR.asia.


«The aggravation of the intra-elite confrontation will most probably be an important trend of this year. It manifests in an intensified anti-corruption campaign and the tension of the information field expressed in leaks and scandals on social media», political scientist Sultanbek Sultangaliev notes in his article for CABAR .asia. (more…)

Zulfiya Raissova 25.02.20

According to researchers, nearly every tenth Kazakhstani changes their religious views and about two per cent convert to another religion.


CABAR.asia 21.02.20

The authorities of Kazakhstan are as careful as possible when it comes to protection of ethnic Kazakhs and Uighurs that fled Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region of China. (more…)

«Given the fact that the authorship of the EAEU belongs to Nursultan Nazarbayev, criticism of Eurasian integration is perceived as opposition to the political course by the authorities in Kazakhstan», – mentioned political observer Baurzhan Tolegenov, in his article written specifically for CABAR.asia.


Asel Sultan 12.02.20

According to NGO ‘Union of Crisis Centres of Kazakhstan’, about 400 women die from domestic violence in the country every year. Victims’ applications to the police are either ignored or investigated in a slipshod manner. However, according to activists, crisis centres in Kazakhstan operate inefficiently, while human rights international organisations declare the standards of services provided to victims do not comply with international quality standards and their insufficient number. (more…)

CABAR.asia 11.02.20

Some experts and public figures note that disorders in Masanchi village that took lives of 10 people are indicative of serious issues in interethnic relations.


Anna Alshanskaya 28.01.20

«The keeping obstacles for women in the Kazakhstan labor market will undoubtedly reduce the country’s ability to ensure more sustainable economic growth», – said researcher Anna Alshanskaya, member of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics from Nur-Sultan.


Asel Sultan 27.01.20

In Kazakhstan, almost one third of young people aged 15 to 19 have sex. The indicator of adolescent pregnancy is 36 cases per one thousand girls, which is six times higher than the indicator in developed countries. (more…)

CABAR.asia 24.01.20

This was stated back in 2018 at the parliament hearings of Mazhilis. One year later, the situation did not change – about two million people still need quality drinking water. (more…)