
Asel Sultan 16.01.20

According to experts, the programme of countering religious extremism and terrorism in Kazakhstan does not take into account the fact that the process of involvement into radical ideology across the country has some social and psychological origins.


«The transport policy of the capital of Kazakhstan should be implemented and improved comprehensively, taking into account the environmental factor, reducing traffic congestion with a focus on the flow from the outskirts and nearby villages to Nur-Sultan», – says analyst Anuar Temirov in his article written specifically for CABAR.asia.


Andrey Grishin 13.01.20

With new president Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, Kazakhstan has seen minimum progress regarding people persecuted for their political and religious beliefs. The global community tries to make their contribution to this progress. Nevertheless, “religious” trials never end, and it’s impossible to acquit persons charged with “extremism” and “terrorism”. (more…)

Aslan Seitov 20.12.19

According to experts, Kazakhstan needs to use Chinese investments as a launching pad into diversification of national economy. 


«The next parliamentary elections are not inferior to the presidential in importance and significance. However, politically, the upcoming campaign will be much more complicated and intense. This is due to major changes in the power-society line», – said political observer Baurzhan Tolegenov, in an article written specifically for CABAR.asia.


CABAR.asia 16.12.19

There’s no official statistics regarding the number of protests in Kazakhstan. Therefore, the only source of information is publications in the media and data provided by non-governmental organisations.

Zulfiya Raissova 10.12.19

According to experts, the problem won’t be solved by toughened punishment only. It requires a complex approach.


CABAR.asia 05.12.19

Until 2021, the akimats of cities and regions of Kazakhstan should totally eliminate outdoor school toilets and build them inside educational institutions. This decision was taken after a schoolgirl was raped in an outdoor toilet. 


CABAR.asia 29.11.19

Kazakhstani diplomats organised the humanitarian action by order of the country’s leadership and by requests of kids’ mothers and relatives.

CABAR.asia 28.11.19

In Kazakhstan, the government allocates billions of dollars every year to the public health system, yet the quality of medical services leaves much to be desired.
