civil society

Iskandar Sangini 30.12.24

The adverse impacts of climate change are worsening each year, and the window for action is rapidly closing. In the current economic system, the negative effects of climate change lead to exacerbating poverty, and widening inequality, particularly in regions that are more vulnerable to climate shocks and economic shifts, according to researchers Iskandar Sangini and Aya Timurova.


As part of the “Civil Society for Kazakhstan” project, aimed at promoting freedoms and rights in Kazakhstan through civil society efforts, training sessions were held in Almaty (May 13-14, 2024) and Astana (May 20-21, 2024). (more…)

Marinin Sergey 02.05.23

As the EU faces challenges in promoting democracy in Central Asia, many wonder what the current strategy for democracy promotion should look like. What are the key elements of a successful strategy, and how can conditionality be used effectively? Moreover, can the goals of promoting democracy, protecting human rights, and supporting civil society in the region realistically be achieved, given the current complex political and economic realities? explores these questions and more in an exclusive interview with the Ghent University expert. (more…) 27.09.21

The Covid-19 pandemic has sharply demonstrated the ineffectiveness of public administration in the countries of Central Asia. In a situation when the authorities actually stepped aside from solving suddenly arisen problems, volunteer organizations were forced to fill this vacuum. (more…)

Dilmurad Yusupov 13.03.20

«Unnecessary regulation of the non-governmental non-profit sector, the maintenance of bureaucratic hurdles and the prevalence of the control functions over building an equal social partnership – all together impede the development of civil society in Uzbekistan», experts Dilmurad Yusupov and Oybek Isakov note in their article for


Dilmurad Yusupov 14.01.20

«Excessive bureaucratic hurdles, a lengthy registration process, language barriers, low legal literacy and absence of legal support combined with unwritten rules of “expertise” complicate the formation of a genuine civil society in Uzbekistan», – mentioned Dilmurad Yusupov, specialist in inclusive development, and Oybek Isakov, Chairperson of the Association of Disabled People of Uzbekistan in an article, written specifically for


Suyuna Dadybaeva 07.06.19

«It is necessary to assign some state functions to civil society organizations. Outsourcing is already required for certain things», – notes Azimjon Sayfiddinov, director of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA)–Tajikistan, in an interview for about the state of civil society in Tajikistan.