Retirement in Kyrgyzstan is available upon reaching the generally established age, but the law “On state pension social insurance” provides for preferential terms of retirement for some categories of citizens.
Let’s see who in Kyrgyzstan can retire early with expert on pension system Jamilya Toguzbaeva.

Men and women whose record of service is under 25 and 20 years, respectively, can also retire when they reach the mentioned age. In this case, the basic portion of pension will be reduced proportionally.
For more details please see: How Pension System Works in Kyrgyzstan If a pensioner keeps on working after retirement, his basic and insurance portions of pension will be increased on an annual basis. The insurance and funded components depend on the amount of social contributions paid to the Social Fund. The more the amount of contributions paid, the more the amount of these components.
If a person has worked 15 years more than is necessary for old-age retirement, he has a right to retire 3 years earlier.

One can retire 3 years earlier (in advance), if he has no other livelihood. In this case, however, pension will be calculated minus 1.5 per cent for every month required for reaching the generally established pension age (63/58 years of age). And when this age is reached, the pension that has been paid in advance will be deducted on a monthly basis.
Deductions will be made within 10 years at the same rate. A pensioner has a right to pay off the advance beforehand. The procedure of payment of amounts paid as early old-age pension is available here. In this case, the basic portion of pension will be proportional to the record of service. The less it is, the less the basic portion of pension will be. See also: How to Calculate the Insurance Portion of Pension? Moreover, the following categories of the Kyrgyzstanis may retire before they reach the generally established pension age:
- Mining operations
- Metallurgical production (non-ferrous metals)
- Chemical industry
- Ammunition loading
- Metal working
- Electrical engineering
- Production of construction materials
- Glassworks and porcelain industry, etc.
If a worker has a record of service, which is less than a half of the required qualifying period, the generally established pension age shall be reduced by 1 year for every full year of specified job.
For example: a man has worked as miner for 8 years, his total record of service is 20 years. He needs two more years of record as miner to qualify for pension under list No. 1. In this case, he may retire as an old-age pensioner when he reaches 55 (63-8=55), instead of 63.
- Mining operations (surface mining)
- Ore pre-treatment, ore beneficiation
- Metallurgical production (ferrous metals)
- Refractory processing
- Production of metalware (wires, electrodes, etc.)
- Consumer industry, etc.

The Kyrgyzstanis living and working in high mountains may retire early. For a list of high mountainous areas please see here.
The rates of fringe benefits and other types of social payments to the people living and working in high mountainous and remote areas of the Kyrgyz Republic are available here.
Women who have worked in high mountains and given birth to three and more children may retire 13 years earlier than the generally established age. This privilege is not applicable if one of three children has died before the age of 8 or hasn’t reached this age when the woman retires.
See also: How the Funded Component of Pension Works?
The Kyrgyzstanis who live and work in remote and less accessible areas also may retire early. However, the whole record of their service should be at such areas.
A list of remote and less accessible areas is available here.
This privilege is not applicable if one of five children has died before the age of 8 or hasn’t reached this age when the woman retires.

This privilege is not applicable if a child has died before the age of 8 or hasn’t reached this age when the woman retires.

This category of citizens of Kyrgyzstan also has a right to early retirement.

This category consists of the members of crew teams, command and aircraft personnel, flight instruction staff, etc. A full list of occupations is available here.

This category consists of air traffic controllers, flight operations directors, heads of air traffic control centres and stations, etc. A full list of occupations is available here.

They include aircraft technicians, fuel operators, radio navigation engineers, radar engineers, communications engineers, etc. A full list of occupations is available here.

These are persons who have been made redundant when it is only two years left before they reach the pension age. They can receive pension only provided that the employer has transferred to the Social Fund the amount required to pay pension to them before they reach their pension age (63 and 58, respectively).
Important: For all the above categories, age is in priority. When they reach their respective ages, they will retire, even if the record of service is less than required. However, in this case, the basic portion of pension will proportionately decrease.Military personnel
Military personnel may retire before they reach the generally established pension age. However, their pension plan is governed by a separate law.
This category consists of the employees in the following agencies:- Ministry of defence
- National security service
- Border service
- Internal troops
- public prosecution office
- interior affairs bodies
- state fire fighting service
- penal system institutions and bodies
- drug control state bodies
- financial police
- special communications service at the ministry of transportation and communication
Each of the above agencies has their own pension department and their employees don’t make contributions to the Social Fund, they receive allowances from the republican budget.
A military man deals with the Social Fund only if he works in a civil capacity after retirement and makes payments to Social Fund. Thus, he will receive supplement to the second insurance portion of his pension.This article was prepared as part of the Giving Voice, Driving Change – from the Borderland to the Steppes Project implemented with the financial support of the Foreign Ministry of Norway. The opinions expressed in the article do not reflect the position of the editorial or donor.