
Anar Bekbassova 27.02.23

Kazakhstan has returned the option to nationals to be elected in single-member districts. 15 candidates, on average, will compete for one mandate. This high competition can “disperse” the votes, according to experts. They also expect the disappointment of voters after the election and do not exclude the possibility of new protests. (more…)

Ayan Oryntay 16.02.23

Religious preachers of Kazakhstan use social media actively to expand their audience. (more…)

CABAR.asia 10.02.23

Over the past few months, police in Tajikistan have detained three bloggers on charges of immorality. Experts suggest this is a way for the authorities to tighten their grip on public opinion. (more…)

Ulyana Fatyanova 06.02.23

Tengrism is called by the media either as a religion or the philosophy of nomads. The number of Tengrian gods is also a ‘variable component’, which changes from article to article. Who are modern Tengrians, what they believe in, and how they differ from their steppe ancestry is explained in the material of CABAR.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 02.02.23

The new, revised law “On the media” made it clear that the fight for freedom of speech is just about to begin in the country.


Anar Bekbassova 08.12.22

A lamb sacrificed in memory of those who died during the January events lies in front of President Tokayev wearing a business suit. Imam sits near the president, and officials sit behind them. This photo is probably the most accurate portrayal of what happens to secularism in Kazakhstan. The authorities demonstrate their piousness, at the same time speaking continuously about the secularism of the state and maintaining strict control over the religious sphere. Does the situation need to be changed? (more…)

CABAR.asia 31.10.22

The IWPR Kazakhstan Country Office is looking for a Project Coordinator who will be responsible for the implementation of a two-year project aimed at promoting and protecting fundamental freedom of expression in Kazakhstan.


CABAR.asia 19.10.22

Since the arrests of seven bloggers and journalists, the work of the media in Tajikistan has become much more difficult and the “red line” of self-censorship, which must not be crossed, has been narrowed, media experts say. (more…)

CABAR.asia 23.06.22

The Tajik media community protests against the detention of independent journalists Daler Imomali and Abdullo Gurbati. (more…)