
CABAR.asia 13.10.22

The partial mobilisation announced in Russia has covered not only the Russians. Migrants from Central Asia are being deceived into doing military service, while officials voice suggestions of depriving of Russian citizenship of those who have received it in the last 10 years and refuses to do military service.


Anar Bekbassova 12.10.22

In Kazakhstan, a group of parents of pupils practising Islam demand that the authorities stop prohibiting wearing headscarf to girls in schools. This year, the activists suggested a compromise – to allow girls wear white hoods instead of headscarfs.


Kanat Nogoybayev 11.10.22

“For the national culture and language, such a mass migration of Russians may be a threat of re-Russification and further strengthening of Russia’s position in the region. Given the difficult historical past of countries that, through the fault of the Soviet government and imperial Russia, experienced famine, genocide, and repressions of the best citizens of the country, some of the indigenous people of Central Asia will be dissatisfied with the arrival of Russians,” Kanat Nogoibaev, an analyst from Kyrgyzstan, notes in an article, written specifically for CABAR.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 07.10.22

Working with big data, analysing conflicts, writing about sensitive issues: the latest Fifth CABAR.asia School of Analytics was held in Almaty from September 26 to October 1.


Residents of border villages of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan live in fear after the clashes in September 2022 and dream of peace. (more…)

CABAR.asia 06.10.22

After partial mobilisation was announced in Russia, crowds of Russians flooded to neighbouring countries, including Central Asia. Most of them take these states as transit ones and do not stay there for long. However, the inflow of Russian citizens has seriously alarmed the residents of host countries. It is often due to misunderstanding of how it can affect their ordinary life. (more…)

CABAR.asia 05.10.22

The SCO Summit in Samarkand, the military conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, another early presidential election in Kazakhstan, growing tensions of Russian invasion of Ukraine, relations with Iran and India – these are some of the topics from Central Asia that were on the foreign press agenda this September. (more…)

CABAR.asia 04.10.22

The problems of gender equality and women’s activism in Tajikistan were discussed by the participants of the expert meeting “Development of Gender Equality in Tajikistan: Achievements and Problems,” organized by the IWPR office on September 30.


CABAR.asia 03.10.22

Farmers in Khatlon province are concerned about this summer’s lack of irrigation water, which has caused thousands of hectares of irrigated land to dry out and lost crops. (more…)

CABAR.asia 29.09.22

The shortage of places in pre-school facilities forces parents to use various corrupt schemes in order to get a cherished place in kindergarten. (more…)