Analytical materials

Zhibek Zhorokulova, a researcher from Kyrgyzstan, reveals the features of the 2021 early presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan and explains what challenges await the future head of state in her article written for 


Ermek Baisalov 04.01.21

December 2020 in Central Asia is remembered for the start of the election campaign in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan; high-level official meetings of the CIS and CSTO; arrangements for the new 2021; several protests; power outages and the still tenuous epidemiological situation in the region. 

The analytical platform presents a brief overview of the major events in the region over the past month. (more…)

Tajikistan met 2020 amid uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic and protests in several cities. There was no vivid opposition in the parliamentary and presidential elections. Tajik migrants experienced difficulties returning home. Analythical journalist Navruz Karimov tells about the results of the year in details in his article for


Political scientist Aruzhan Meirkhanova in her article for writes, that regime’s “decorative democracy” and pressure on civil society might lead to a range of consequences in the long-run. (more…)

Umedjon Majidi 28.12.20

The pandemic has exposed the downsides of crisis management in Tajikistan. On the other hand, it also has brought various opportunities to improve country’s image and increase control over the flows of information. More details in an article by political scientist Umedjon Majidi for


Marinin Sergey 25.12.20

In Kazakhstan, the upcoming parliamentary elections are not intriguing at all, says Sergey Marinin, an independent researcher from Kazakhstan and participant of School of Analytics. “In essence, terrific environment has been created for the re-election of the old party guard and the preservation of the status quo in the parliament,” the expert says.


Anna Zubenko 22.12.20

Researcher Anna Zubenko writes about why the Kyrgyz police needs to declassify information about themselves in order to fight corruption within the institution, in her article for


Sher Khashimov 16.12.20

It has become a common practice in Tajikistan to record violations and hooliganism using a smartphone camera. Ordinary citizens take on the role of vigilant guardians of the law, while the authorities, in turn, are forced to react. Digital Vigilantism is a new global phenomenon that also manifests itself locally. Independent researcher Sher Khashimov examines the cultural origins and political context of such activism in Tajikistan in an article for CABAR.Asia.


Rustam Muhamedov 10.12.20

The coronavirus pandemic has forced the country’s government to embrace the immediate introduction of digital technology into education. In Turkmenistan, where the authorities still do not officially recognize cases of COVID-19, digitalization of education is slow. On that is independent researcher Rustam Mukhamedov with his piece for CABAR.Asia.


Eldar Asanov 08.12.20

In an article for, an Uzbek researcher Eldar Asanov discusses identity, nationalism, and historical memory in the realm of a rather vexed language issue in today’s Uzbekistan. (more…)