Analysts say that power play is motivated by competition over energy resources.

(more…) 23.03.16

Deputies suggest to forbid carrying out a ceremony “nikah” without the corresponding stamp in the passport in Kyrgyzstan. First, the bill directed to decrease the tendency of early marriages and protection of the women rights.  (more…)

Deputies suggest to forbid carrying out a ceremony “nikah” without the corresponding stamp in the passport in Kyrgyzstan. First, the bill directed to decrease the tendency of early marriages and protection of the women rights.  (more…)

In 2015, government employees have undergone reductions, this time health workers. The authorities release jobs for young people; however, experts consider that under blow there will be the whole branch of health care.  (more…) 22.03.16

“After coming to power of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the international community had high hopes about the new president of Turkmenistan, including the hopes for democratization, improved human rights situation in the country, economic cooperation and openness. A number of decrees and actions taken by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the beginning of his reign, in fact, were aimed at eliminating errors and experimentation of the past. However, it soon became clear that these hopes were unfounded”, – political scientist, coordinator of Research and Training of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Svetlana Dzardanova discusses the results of the reform made by the Turkmen President exclusively for (more…)

“After coming to power of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the international community had high hopes about the new president of Turkmenistan, including the hopes for democratization, improved human rights situation in the country, economic cooperation and openness. A number of decrees and actions taken by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the beginning of his reign, in fact, were aimed at eliminating errors and experimentation of the past. However, it soon became clear that these hopes were unfounded”, – political scientist, coordinator of Research and Training of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Svetlana Dzardanova discusses the results of the reform made by the Turkmen President exclusively for

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“It is very difficult to explain to Western diplomats why … the official press is full of materials, where the West is charged with intentions of undermining the country’s stability. It is especially strange when the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan is negotiating with the IMF and other Western donors to allocate multimillion-dollar loans and grants for the protection of their economic (and hence political) stability “, -. political analyst Parviz Mullodjanov discusses paradoxical tendencies in the political situation in Tajikistan in article written exclusively for

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“It is very difficult to explain to Western diplomats why … the official press is full of materials, where the West is charged with intentions of undermining the country’s stability. It is especially strange when the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan is negotiating with the IMF and other Western donors to allocate multimillion-dollar loans and grants for the protection of their economic (and hence political) stability “, -. political analyst Parviz Mullodjanov discusses paradoxical tendencies in the political situation in Tajikistan in article written exclusively for (more…)

If vital transport arteries linking Beijing with its strategic partners in the Gulf and Europe pass through Central Asia, particularly through the territory of Uzbekistan, China itself will be interested in the stability of this region. This means that Beijing will not destabilize the situation in the region, moreover, it will allocate funds for keeping stability in the event of a regional force majeure, – an analyst from discusses the role of Uzbekistan in China’s geo-strategy.

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If vital transport arteries linking Beijing with its strategic partners in the Gulf and Europe pass through Central Asia, particularly through the territory of Uzbekistan, China itself will be interested in the stability of this region. This means that Beijing will not destabilize the situation in the region, moreover, it will allocate funds for keeping stability in the event of a regional force majeure, – an analyst from discusses the role of Uzbekistan in China’s geo-strategy. (more…)