“The West begins to assess the Economic belt of the Silk Road and China’s policy in Central Asia more positively than the EEU and Russian policy in Central Asia. Moreover, according to some US officials, China’s policy in Central Asia “fully fits in” the US policy in the region”, Konstantin Syroezhkin, leading Sinologist in Kazakhstan, Ph.D., assesses the geopolitical projects in Central Asia, the problems of their interaction, as well as the nature of Kazakhstan’s participation in them, exclusively for cabar.asia.

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“The West begins to assess the Economic belt of the Silk Road and China’s policy in Central Asia more positively than the EEU and Russian policy in Central Asia. Moreover, according to some US officials, China’s policy in Central Asia “fully fits in” the US policy in the region”, Konstantin Syroezhkin, leading Sinologist in Kazakhstan, Ph.D., assesses the geopolitical projects in Central Asia, the problems of their interaction, as well as the nature of Kazakhstan’s participation in them, exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 05.04.16

The sellers often act mothers of the children. In addition to the newborn, potential buyers can purchase from the sellers all pocket of documents to the child, including the certificate of birth.


“Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and China is long-term and strategic in nature. Any constraints, existing today, are temporary and do not impede deepening the all-round cooperation. However, the success of this cooperation depends to a greater extent on the activity of the Kyrgyz authorities, on their willingness to timely develop various versions of projects and programs of joint activities”, Sheradil Baktygulov, Central Asia problems researcher (Bishkek Kyrgyzstan), discusses the trends of cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan, exclusively for cabar.asia.

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“Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and China is long-term and strategic in nature. Any constraints, existing today, are temporary and do not impede deepening the all-round cooperation. However, the success of this cooperation depends to a greater extent on the activity of the Kyrgyz authorities, on their willingness to timely develop various versions of projects and programs of joint activities”, Sheradil Baktygulov, Central Asia problems researcher (Bishkek Kyrgyzstan), discusses the trends of cooperation between China and Kyrgyzstan, exclusively for cabar.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 01.04.16

Having been a social disease, tuberculosis more often affects patients with the adverse social status. Physicians claim that the situation improves, but this question is still urgent in Khatlon Region of the country.  (more…)

CABAR.asia 30.03.16

Tajiks welcome the start of a new year with mass festivities. Navruz , which signals the arrival of spring, is marked in Tajikistan with three days of games, celebrations and traditional food.  (more…)

CABAR.asia 29.03.16

Frontier guards of Tajikistan have stopped attempt of break of armed group from Afghanistan. Despite losses, it succeeded to kill two fighters; seven more have managed to disappear. (more…)

CABAR.asia 25.03.16

Disorders in the south of Kazakhstan became a reason for discussion of problems of rural youth. According to official facts, in the village of Buryl, in 15 kilometers from the city of Taraz, there was “a household crime”.


Legislation reverses former Soviet model of state control over energy industry. Kazakstan’s new labour law has been welcomed by employers as a positive move towards liberalisation which will help the country weather a harsh economic period.
