
29 April 2016 in Bishkek was held a roundtable on “Regulation of the land issues in Bishkek: legislation and its practice” in cooperation with an PF “Nashe Pravo”. Participants at the roundtable session were representative of State agencies, media and NGO.

29 April 2016 in Bishkek was held a roundtable on “Regulation of the land issues in Bishkek: legislation and its practice” in cooperation with an PF “Nashe Pravo”. Participants at the roundtable session were representative of State agencies, media and NGO. (more…) 27.04.16

  Every year the number of the unemployed grows in Kyrgyzstan. Today, on the registry of unemployment stay 87 thousand persons, among them 39 thousand from youth, it means that among jobless 45% makes youth. (more…) 26.04.16

In the conditions of the demographic growth when the population of the republic grows, and croplands reduced, the question of equal and equitable distribution and access to land resources becomes aggravated.  (more…)

Even with the court decision about collecting the alimony, not the fact that the woman will receive them. Often the payer of the alimony is in labor migration and to receive monetary pay becomes very complex business.  (more…) 25.04.16

Both sides say they can support each other in building new post-conflict realities. (more…)

Marat Musuraliev 22.04.16

“If the electro-sector of Kyrgyzstan is not able to resolve the problems occurred, it will lead to repeating electricity shortages in the country by 2017-2018, growth of social tensions, and up to another unconstitutional change of government, whereas the energy sector management personnel will be fully replaced”, – possible risks and challenges in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan, are discussed by economist, deputy director of the “Smart Business Solutions Central Asia” Marat Musuraliev, exclusively for     

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“If the electro-sector of Kyrgyzstan is not able to resolve the problems occurred, it will lead to repeating electricity shortages in the country by 2017-2018, growth of social tensions, and up to another unconstitutional change of government, whereas the energy sector management personnel will be fully replaced”, – possible risks and challenges in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan, are discussed by economist, deputy director of the “Smart Business Solutions Central Asia” Marat Musuraliev, exclusively for        (more…) 20.04.16

The 31-year-old citizen of the town Kyzyl Kiya Azamat Kojomberdiyev together with other people was accused of stealing a “Zhinlippi” and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. In the first instance, he was acquitted by the town court of Kyzyl Kiya but in the following instances, the courts did not take into account the testimonies of the victim party and the witnesses that described him not being involved in the crime. (more…)

Anton Morozov 18.04.16

“The election campaign of the deputies of the lower chamber of the Kazakh parliament – deputies of Majlis and the local representative bodies – Maslikhats, ended with an obvious and predictable result. Despite the official rhetoric about “importance and fatefulness” of the elections, the passed election campaign could be called as “technical measures” with evident outcomes.” The results of the 2016 elections in Kazakhstan, exclusively for, analyzed by political scientist, Anton Morozov.

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