
The territory of parks reduced every year. Once there the area of the park of “Ata-Tyurk” constituted 107 hectares and now the territory is only 50 hectares. Moreover, in Victory park 16 hectares allocated under structures for the benefit of business.

(more…) 10.05.16

Young creatives are pursuing a niche look, accessorised with iPhones and fuelled by chai lattes. (more…)

Hopes that new legislation will help change culture of impunity. (more…)

Disturbing trend sees mothers driven to desperate measures.


As practice has shown, if Uzbekistan is moving closer to the US, it automatically moves away from Russia and vice versa. That, at least, has been the case in recent times whenever Tashkent has begun active cooperation with the United States. Currently, we are witnessing yet another phase of fairly close cooperation between Tashkent and Washington,” – Kazakh expert Ruslan Izimov writes in an article exclusively for (more…)

As practice has shown, if Uzbekistan is moving closer to the US, it automatically moves away from Russia and vice versa. That, at least, has been the case in recent times whenever Tashkent has begun active cooperation with the United States. Currently, we are witnessing yet another phase of fairly close cooperation between Tashkent and Washington,” – Kazakh expert Ruslan Izimov writes in an article exclusively for

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(more…) 06.05.16

Experts connect it with the worsening economic and social situation of women in the country. In spite of the fact that the authorities have toughened punishment for occupation the most ancient profession, the situation does not change. (more…)

Experts connect it with the worsening economic and social situation of women in the country. In spite of the fact that the authorities have toughened punishment for occupation the most ancient profession, the situation does not change. (more…)

To answer this question try participants of student’s forums over the whole country. It is more than a half of the republic population – young people up to 30 years is a strong basis of a human capital on which the economy can grow.  (more…) 05.05.16

Tajik journalists celebrated the day of freedom of speech by organizing a conference with the slogan: “To maintain freedom of press in Tajikistan. (more…)