The Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) included investigation conducted by IWPR Tajikistan to the list of Investigative Stories of the Month.
The investigation “Millions of Dollars From Vehicle Inspection in Tajikistan: Role of Rushdi Rohnavard Company” by journalist was published at the end of January.
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The investigation reveals that the company responsible for the mandatory vehicle inspection does not actually conduct any inspection and simply collects money for a formal procedure.
After its publication, the investigation sparked heated debates among social media users.
The author of the investigation is Yoqub Halimov, active participant of the School of Analytics. He participated in a number of investigative journalism trainings conducted by IWPR in Tajikistan and abroad.
Last year, Yoqub Halimov conducted another high-impact investigation – “The Houses That Beg Built”, which was republished by more than 20 Tajik and foreign media. His investigation won the first place at the First Central Asian MediaCAMP Fest in Dushanbe.
According to Yoqub Halimov, the international media’s interest to his investigation is due to the fact that the problem of corruption is relevant for many countries.
“Therefore, the research and coverage of such problems resonate with neighbouring and the post-Soviet states. Another reason why the media republish my investigations is the fact that I try to conduct them in accordance with international requirements, norms and standards. Each letter, word and sentence are confirmed by documents and facts,” Halimov said.
He believes that investigations are needed in order to stop violations and bring responsible persons to justice.
“After the publication of the investigation, all of them should get what they deserve in order to prevent further corruption and illegal actions. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached this stage, but all our efforts will be aimed at achieving these goals,” Halimov said.
Last year, the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) republished another investigation – “Tajikistan: How to Prevent the Spread of Extremism in Prisons?” and recommended it as a standard for investigative journalists.