water scarcity
Kazakhstanis often hear about the water scarcity in the country. Experts blow the whistle and recommend using water thriftily. However, there is enough water in everyday life, in the home use of city residents, so the people do not feel any scarcity. (more…)
As Central Asia grapples with systemic corruption and escalating climate challenges, it finds itself at a pivotal juncture in its environmental trajectory. From the urban epicenters to the hinterlands, there is a palpable shift in sentiment. Amidst many complexities, the looming question remains: in the face of current adversities, might the environment emerge as the next big rallying point for Central Asia? We have talked with Professor Amanda Wooden to find out. (more…)
Every year the water shortage will be felt more and more acutely. “First of all, this is due to irrational use of water in all five states of the region,” the experts emphasized at the CABAR.asia expert meeting dedicated to discussing this issue.