
Gulnaz Mustafa 10.06.20

Coronavirus pandemic has hit not only business, but the labour market of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. 


Zulfiya Raissova 09.06.20

The coronavirus pandemic has seriously impacted the economy and job security in Kazakhstan. One of the outbreak’s devastating effects has been the income loss for businesses in hospitality and catering, manufacturing, retail, as well as commercial and administrative activities. What about employment before and during the crisis?


CABAR.asia 26.07.19


Shahboz, a graduate of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service, has been trading at the Ganjina market for the past two months. Although he graduated from the Institute two years ago, he did not find a suitable job for his profession.

«Today, there is an overabundance of humanitarian specialists and a shortage of technical personnel in the labor market of Kazakhstan, and therefore foreign workforce specialists are a temporary alternative solution to promptly meet the needs of enterprises for highly skilled labor», – Zamira Zholdaskyzy, an analyst at the Center for the Development of Labor Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a participant of the CABAR.asia School of Analytics from Nur-Sultan.
