
CABAR.asia 16.07.19

Tajik experts and clergy comment on fatwas of the famous Muslim ulama, who declared it impermissible to go for Hajj.

CABAR.asia 15.07.19

Every year, hundreds of young teachers in the Southern Tajikistan apply to the authorities to receive the land plots allocated to them, but only a few manage to obtain them.

CABAR.asia 12.07.19

Having suffered from last year’s torrential rains, the residents of a village in Tajikistan’s Khatlon region still have not received compensation from the authorities.

CABAR.asia 09.07.19

Fourteen Tajik prisoners died when transported from Sughd region to southern Tajikistan.

CABAR.asia 08.07.19

The level of e-government’s development in Tajikistan can be judged by the queues behind the registry offices’ doors.  (more…)

CABAR.asia 05.07.19

While Tajik authorities report about developing business, the entrepreneurs themselves complain about high taxes and unreasonable inspections, close their businesses.

CABAR.asia 01.07.19

Teacher Saidshoh Asrorov, whose wedding was arranged by President’s order, was forcibly called up for military service. According to his relatives, Asrorov was taken to army directly from the ruling party’s office.

CABAR.asia 30.06.19

According to official data, 29,5% of Tajikistan citizens live below the poverty threshold. However, according to the experts’ estimates, this index is at least two times higher in reality.

In many aspects, the educational system of Tajikistan is not yet integrated into the global educational system, according to Guldastasho Alibakhshov, the researcher and participant of CABAR.asia School of Analytics. In a number of indicators of science development, the country stays behind even its closest neighbors.

CABAR.asia 20.06.19

Tajikistan hopes to receive financial dividends from Iran, Tehran is counting on diplomatic support from Dushanbe, experts say. (more…)