
CABAR.asia 17.12.19

Officials in Dushanbe deny any restrictions on the Arabic language study, but those willing to study it, cannot find the suitable courses.

CABAR.asia 11.12.19

What are the reasons for the new initiative of the National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) on reforming the money transfer system? (more…)

CABAR.asia 09.12.19

The Chairman of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of the Republic of Tajikistan and CABAR.asia summarize the results of one year of his work.

Mazhab Juma 25.11.19

The murderers of the leader of the Zoroastrian community of Tajikistan, as well as the causes of this crime, are still unknown. (more…)

Sherali Rizoyon 15.11.19

Tajikistan’s strategy to counter extremism and terrorism recognizes the importance of attracting civil society institutions and every citizen, Tajik political analyst Sherali Rizoyon notes in his article written specifically for CABAR.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 12.11.19

Tajikistan, due to the growth of the debt to China, is among the eight most vulnerable countries, according to an expert from the United States. Tajik analysts believe that this tendency poses a threat to the country’s security and even to its territorial integrity.

CABAR.asia 07.11.19

An unknown group carried out an attack on the Tajik border crossing checkpoint “Ishkobod” is located near the border with Uzbekistan. The incident occurred on the night of November 6, Tajikistan’s Constitution Day.

CABAR.asia 05.11.19

In Tajikistan, over the last three years, public officials are submitting assets and income declarations. Officials themselves believe that these declarations have to be verified. Experts state that this procedure is useless without declarations being publishing. (more…)

Ulan Makkambaev 24.10.19

A football match was held in the Kyrgyzstan village of Samarkandek, Batken region, between the young people from boundary villages of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.


Muslimbek Buriev 21.10.19

Tajik authorities expect the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to strengthen the potential of the police in order to combat crime and ensure internal security. However, civil society expects these changes to also be a step forward in the fight against torture and ill-treatment. 
