
CABAR.asia 22.05.20

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan states that it is taking all measures to prevent COVID-19, but some medical workers have quit due to the lack of protective equipment. The expert believes that the country needs really independent trade unions, who could protect the rights of medical workers. (more…)

CABAR.asia 19.05.20

Tajik journalist Abdullo Gurbati, who has been assaulted, is confident that it was planned. Experts say that this attack has many similarities to previous attacks on journalists. (more…)

CABAR.asia 18.05.20

Mirzo Hojimuhammad, a top Tajik doctor, notes that the authorities were late in recognizing the existence of the coronavirus. (more…)

Tajik authorities claim that registering of the mobile devices is necessary for security reasons. However, experts consider this as a desire to replenish the budget and strengthen control over the citizens’ lives. (more…)

CABAR.asia 14.05.20

Coronavirus has been raging for the second week throughout Tajikistan. (more…)

A team of WHO experts has been in Tajikistan for over a week, monitoring the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. What conclusions they came to is still unknown. However, some experts are already saying that the World Health Organization failed its mission to Tajikistan.

Region’s business conditions during the coronavirus pandemic.

CABAR.asia 11.05.20

Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the public events ban, the large-scale celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War are not planned this year in Central Asian countries (except Turkmenistan). Celebrations and parades will be held in a new format: as non-contact as possible.


Mazhab Juma 09.05.20

The authorities see a solution in isolating prisoners convicted of extremism and terrorism in separate facilities, but this option also is risky. (more…)