
Anar Bekbassova 14.12.23

Protests in Kazakhstan, no matter what goals are pursued by activists, are taken by authorities as a threat to the existing political regime. Back in 2019, when Nursultan Nazarbayev stepped down from presidency, there was some easing of restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly. However, it did not last long: in January 2022, the bloodiest riot in the history of the country (Kantar) occurred, which resulted in 238 people killed, including two children and six teenagers. (more…)

Anar Bekbassova 15.05.23

The society of Kazakhstan is often blamed for immaturity. Authorities tend to call civil protests marginal, and blame people for dependency from time to time. However, urban activism that has been widespread in recent years in Astana has become the model of struggle for political participation in the city’s life and the ability of civic activists to promote public interests constructively despite difficult dialogue with authorities.
