
Olga Kovaleva 25.09.19

Kyrgyzstan has no official statistics regarding children who attend game clubs instead of school. However, psychologists and activists say parents seek their help to deal with the gaming addiction among schoolchildren.

(more…) 18.09.19

Kazakhstan still has operating schools that were built until the 1980s. They are almost unfit for classes, but their repair is underfinanced and construction of new schools is going slowly.

Anna Zubenko 13.09.19

«Most of the measures against school racketeering are formal, but in reality do not affect the situation at all. The current system does not provide for an individual approach to violators,» – researcher Anna Zubenko, mentioned in her article written specifically for


According to experts, Kazakhstan has neither a thought-out anti-bullying policy, nor a protocol of response to bullying at schools.


«To achieve the goals set by the authorities of Kazakhstan, religious studies in schools should not become an ordinary school subject for the sole purpose of acquiring new knowledge, but should lead to an increase in tolerance among the youth and unity through diversity», – notes an independent researcher Meruert Seidumanova in her article written specifically for analytical platform 
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