Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Russia has banned the entry of foreign citizens until May 1. The party impacted by this decisions are thousands of migrants from Central Asian countries, who lost their jobs at the beginning of the season.
“The Kyrgyz government is yet to provide a plan to effectively mitigate the impact of the global financial crisis,” notes analyst Konstantin Larionov in his article for (more…)
The quarantine and economic recession in Russia can become a time bomb for Central Asia, according to experts.
Kyrgyzstan wants again to bound non-profit organisations (NPOs) to account for their sources of income and expenditures.
Recently, various publications circulate materials on the difference in commodity circulations between Central Asian countries and major partners. Deficiencies were indicated in the figures between the figures of the customs services of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan with China. This article shows attempts to identify a similar situation in other countries of the region.
“The issue of integration should neither be considered as a solution to the migration problem, nor should it be confined to it, since migration is a negative phenomenon, while nations usually unite on the basis of positive drivers,” says Uzbek political scientist Farhod Tolipov, director of non-governmental scientific –educational institution “Bilim carvoni” (“Caravan of knowledge”).
«The carrots and sticks policy could be the beginning of joint Sino-Russian rule where Central Asian countries would not have a voice in decision-making processes that concern them or their future development» – researcher Nina Miholjcic, mentioned in her article written specifically for
On October 18-19, Russian president is arriving at Uzbekistan on a state visit.