religious education

Ainur Koskina 25.12.24

Considering that society lives in an era of global challenges, it is important to optimise the training of religious leaders in accordance with current requirements, says Ershat Ongar, Vice-Rector of the Nur-Mubarak University of Islamic Culture.


Ermek Baisalov 23.07.20

«The Central Asian governments need to get out of a mindset that still retains the Soviet legacy of separation of state and religion understood as the prohibition of religion interfering in affairs of the state, but under which the state has the right to control all, or the majority of, religious activities» – said Sebastian Peyrouse, research professor of the Central Asian Program at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Relations in the interview with

(more…) 18.03.20

The citizens of Kyrgyzstan have obtained higher religious education abroad – mainly in the eastern Arabic countries – for almost thirty years. However, Bishkek is going to change this trend and create conditions for the same education within the republic. (more…)