religious diversity

Anar Bekbassova 08.12.22

A lamb sacrificed in memory of those who died during the January events lies in front of President Tokayev wearing a business suit. Imam sits near the president, and officials sit behind them. This photo is probably the most accurate portrayal of what happens to secularism in Kazakhstan. The authorities demonstrate their piousness, at the same time speaking continuously about the secularism of the state and maintaining strict control over the religious sphere. Does the situation need to be changed? (more…) 07.04.20

3738 religious associations are registered in Kazakhstan. Despite the differences, representatives of different faiths coexist peacefully and celebrate the holidays together, not divided by faith.


Leila Saralaeva 17.12.19

Kyrgyzstan has over three thousand various religious organisations registered, which maintain peace and dialogue between themselves. The constitution guarantees equal rights and freedoms to all religious people. 
