
CABAR.asia 28.07.21

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has expressed its readiness to help Tajikistan in the situation following the offensive of the Taliban (banned in Tajikistan and other Central Asian countries) in northern Afghanistan. Experts believe that Moscow, a key member of the CSTO, will not ask for anything in return, as it itself is interested in stability on the Tajik-Afghan border (more…)

CABAR.asia 27.07.21

According to the experts, without high-quality demographic policy and its diligent implementation, population growth in Central Asian countries will be accompanied by a high burden on economies and increased poverty in these countries. (more…)

According to experts, this situation will have long-term consequences for the republic. (more…)

CABAR.asia 08.07.21

An expert from Afghanistan noted that the Taliban do not enjoy wide support among the Afghan population, and the legitimization of terrorists by big players only complicates the process of achieving peace and development in Afghanistan.


Every fifth child in rural areas of Kyrgyzstan does not have a computer or gadget with Internet access. This means the opportunity to study online. (more…)

CABAR.asia 06.07.21

Every year the water shortage will be felt more and more acutely. “First of all, this is due to irrational use of water in all five states of the region,” the experts emphasized at the CABAR.asia expert meeting dedicated to discussing this issue.


CABAR.asia 25.06.21

The recent border conflict between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which occurred on April 28-29 this year, had a negative impact on the lives of ordinary citizens on both sides of the border. Those who did business together, who provided or received services in neighboring countries suffered. Residents hope that the difficulties will tide over and neighbors will be able to visit each other again.


CABAR.asia 24.06.21

According to unofficial data, over a thousand of Tajikistanis had arrived in Kyrgyzstan via Batken region before the pandemic every day both via the checkpoint and via uncontrolled locations in villages. They came to earn money, for treatment and recreation. However, bilateral relations stopped after the armed conflicts in spring of 2021.