The documents signed by Central Asian presidents in Cholpon Ata are a significant step toward closer cooperation in the region, according to Umedjon Ibrohimzoda, a political scientist and participant of the school of analytics of CABAR.asia. However, it is important to adhere to the principle of equality and mutually beneficial cooperation in the integration process of Central Asia. (more…)
“The fear is increasing in Central Asia that a default domino is just around the corner and, looking at the overall stance of both their strategic partners, Moscow and Beijing, they are bound to look for alternatives. India is best situated at seizing this opportunity and this can be a step at changing the balances with China and Russia”, – writes analyst Dimitris Simeonidis, exclusively for CABAR.asia.
“Politico-institutional inflexibility remains a hindrance for Kazakhstani ethnic policy. The government must establish a comprehensive evaluative framework for regular ethnic policy review”, – argues Ildar Daminov, an independent researcher and a graduate of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna in a special article for CABAR.asia. (more…)
How to reduce the mortality rate in road traffic accidents in Central Asian countries and improve the ethical standards of drivers and pedestrians?
Central Asian countries need integration, innovation, full-fledged market economy and development of human capital. (more…)
Having analysed over sixty loans of the EBRD, we have arrived at the conclusion that Kazakhstan has developed a stable model of corrupt disbursement of EBRD loans in provinces. It consists of three elements, which show that the loan is going to be used for illicit enrichment. (more…)
During the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the issue of post-COVID economic recovery in Central Asia is already included in the agenda. International institutions and the expert research community’s representatives present various timelines of economic recovery to the pre-crisis level. Meanwhile, there are proposals about the transformation of the economic model itself.
Instead of the criminal article “Slander” transferred to the Code of Administrative Offenses in Kazakhstan, the journalists, bloggers and civil activists are now accused on alternative charges.
The parliament of Kazakhstan legalised the parliamentary opposition. It means that the oppositionists would be entitled to speak in the lower house, introduce issues to the agenda and to promote draft laws alternative to the initiatives of the ruling majority. (more…)
Economists predict global economic collapse amid the coronavirus pandemic. Kazakhstan, an oil-producing country with a non-diversified economy will be adversely affected.