
Bermet Borubaeva 29.02.24

In the last 70 years, Kyrgyzstan has lost 16 per cent of its glaciers. It poses a food insecurity risk not only to the country, but also at the regional level.

(more…) 03.11.23

Power crisis in Kyrgyzstan has gained momentum in recent years. Electricity produced within the country fails to cover the needs of the population, and the country faces energy shortages. Electricity imports rise every year. While authorities do not rule out ‘regulatory blackouts’.

(more…) 08.10.21

Glacier melting is a natural process, experts say, but in recent decades it has been occurring faster than it did in the pre-industrial era. (more…)

«Increasing the area of ​​perennial plantings in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan would have a positive effect on slowing down the melting process of glaciers in the region, as well as on CO2 uptake on the planet», – Azamat Temirkulov, associate professor, doctor of political sciences from Bishkek, wrote in his article for