
Sofiya Balgina 28.07.23

Female surname first appeared on the list of candidates during the first ‘post-Nazarbayev’ presidential election of 2019. Daniya Yespayeva was the first in the history of sovereign Kazakhstan to run for the key executive post in the country. Does it mean that the second president of Kazakhstan, Tokayev, has changed the gender-based vector in the domestic policy? (more…)

Louisa Atabaeva 19.06.23


Over the past few years, news reports in the Uzbek media have increasingly reported on violence against women and girls, and there are many cases of femicide of women. CABAR.asia training participant Luiza Atabaeva analyzed cases published in the Uzbek media between 2015 and 2023 and proves that most of them can be qualified as femicide.


Ulyana Fatyanova 30.03.23

Bagatoz Temirbayeva is known as pastor Batagoz to her parish. She has worked as pastor with the Evangelical  Christian Centre “Presviterianstvo” (Presbyterianism) or simply put, the Presbyterian church in Kokshetau, for 15 years already. How the daughter of the Soviet faith fighter has become the preacher, how female pastors are treated, and the difference between men’s and women’s sermons are described in the material by CABAR.asia. (more…)

CABAR.asia 04.10.22

The problems of gender equality and women’s activism in Tajikistan were discussed by the participants of the expert meeting “Development of Gender Equality in Tajikistan: Achievements and Problems,” organized by the IWPR office on September 30.


CABAR.asia 05.11.21

The Eurovision Song Contest usually attracts the attention of music lovers. However, the last contest sparked a discussion in Russian society about social issues related to xenophobia and gender issues. The Russian representative Manija Sangin, an ethnic Tajik, attracted the attention of politicians, public figures and even clergymen, as well as the general public not only in Russia, but also abroad. (more…)

Despite the fact that Kyrgyzstan is considered the most liberal country in the region, women’s rights activists find it hard to struggle for women’s right.


CABAR.asia 03.03.21

CABAR.asia has prepared information about who, when and what for created this special women’s day.


“Although the country’s legislation does not provide for discrimination, a de facto large number of cases of gender-based violence indicate the systemic failure of at least the judicial system,” said Gulzada Rysbekova, an independent researcher in the field of international relations, in an article just for CABAR.asia. (more…)

Inna Aksenova 16.03.20

According to experts, provocateurs and the police were together during the dispersion of the March 8 peace walk in Bishkek. No one has claimed responsibility for the things that happened and the response of the authorities is unclear.
