
CABAR.asia 09.12.24

Illegal waste collection in Tajikistan not only violates the law but also threatens public health and the environment. Experts say that urgent measures are required to stop the growth of the illegal waste collection and recycling market.


Natalia Lee 06.12.23

Populations of capital cities of Central Asian states grow bigger every year, as well as the number of multi-storey buildings. Cities rise higher, often ignoring the needs of residents. 


CABAR.asia 27.05.23

More than 600 enthusiasts and experts of all backgrounds, ages and interests gathered at the Zebunniso Cinema in Dushanbe. All these people are united by the annual Go Viral grand festival, which is already a favourite of all Tajiks. (more…)

Rustami Sukhrob 10.12.21

After the Taliban (an organization banned in Tajikistan) came to power in Afghanistan, the focus in the geopolitics of all of Central Asia shifted, which led to an increase in Iran’s role in the region, mentioned Rustami Sukhrob, candidate of political sciences. In his opinion, the Tajik authorities should take this factor into account and strengthen cooperation with Tehran. (more…)

CABAR.asia 22.07.20

On June 10, the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli (the Lower Chamber of the Tajik Parliament), approved amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code. They toughen the punishment for intentional dissemination of false information in the media and online amid the appearance and spread of dangerous diseases. Civil society and journalists oppose the adoption of these amendments and address the country’s President Emomali Rahmon urging him to reject the bill. We answer questions on why these amendments should not be adopted. (more…)

CABAR.asia 19.06.20

Currently, the capital of Tajikistan – the city of Dushanbe is in the twenty worst cities in the Asia-Pacific region for its air quality. Tajik ecologist Muazzama Burkhonova believes that a package of measures will be needed to improve the atmosphere. (more…)

CABAR.asia 28.08.19

Back in 30s in Tajikistan there was a “Society of the Atheists,” freely operating and clearly enjoying state support. But now atheists, because of the agressive reaction of society, prefer to stay low and quiet. (more…)

Ermek Baisalov 20.06.19

The middle of June in Central Asia was marked by sequence of major political events. The region became the center of the world’s media attention for a while. The inauguration ceremony of the new president of Kazakhstan took place; Bishkek and Dushanbe organized international summits and welcomed distinguished guests.

The analytical platform CABAR.asia presents a brief overview of the most recent significant political events in the region.


CABAR.asia 01.03.19

According to the report of the international organization “Open Doors“, there are 61.7 thousand Christians in Tajikistan, who account to 0.7% of the total population of the country. Most of them, 72.1%, are Orthodox. While this number includes all of those who consider themselves to belong to this confession, there are only about 500 permanent church parishioners. (more…)