air pollution
How can air quality in Uzbekistan be improved?
Air pollution in Uzbekistan, as in most other Central Asian countries, is becoming a serious environmental problem. Unless urgent action is taken to improve air quality, Uzbekistan may face even greater risks.
One of the reasons that influenced the deterioration of the environmental situation in Tashkent, experts believe that the so-called wind rose is not observed during the construction of high-rise buildings.
In the last four years, the media in Kyrgyzstan has witnessed the steady growth of publications dedicated to ecology. Moreover, if we look at the topics, the media is most interested in air pollution.
In the latest 5-Stan Podcast, Editors in Tajikistan Lola Olimova and Muslimbek Buriev speak with the environmental journalist Nargis Kosimova, who manages “” Telegram channel in Uzbek and Russian. (more…)
In recent years, the capital of Kyrgyzstan from time to time tops global rankings of air pollution. The authorities admit the issue, yet can do nothing about it. Because of constant smog and burning smell in winter, Bishkek residents call their city ironically “Yshkek”. (more…)
«Living conditions deteriorate every year in Bishkek: high air temperature in summer, smog over the city in winter, constant reduction of green spaces for the sake of expanding roads, lack of irrigation system and other factors that give rise to much more global environmental and microclimate problems in the capital city,» – explains the ecologist, director of the Public Fund “Initiative Arch” (Инициатива Арча) Dmitry Vetoshkin.